Stillborn Topics

by compound complex 19 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bebu

    Don't feel put off by no/few responses. I don't post many topics, and most of them are ignored.

    It's nice to have replies, though, especially if the topic interests you a lot.

    And btw, anyone who just keeps on posting comments/questions does, kinda by osmosis, get sucked into "being" JWD. That is, you really are a part of it, like it or not/realize it or not.


    ps: intersting subject title you chose. It caught my attention

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    If the title caught your eye, Bebu, then something worked! Thank you! And your helping hand to a sister in need was much appreciated. Just like emo's vigil threads. A lot of good is being done on behalf of those in need.

    It's a pleasure and a blessing to be able to speak freely!

    Bless you all!

    CoCo Le Be'ni

  • Hortensia

    a couple of my topics (about recipes of all things) had a lot of replies, but most of my topics don't get much of a response. I don't worry about it - after all lots of times I read an interesting thread, but can't think of a thing to say that would add anything to it. I figure the same happens to my topics (or am I just making myself feel better?)

  • misanthropic
    Does any good come from a thread that APPEARS unread?

    I think so. I tend to just read the threads with the deeper subject matter and the ones that usually end with more heated debate without commenting. I think a lot of people are that way, just because you don't comment doesn't mean you aren't getting the information. Often times I'll read a thread and I have something I could add but I don't because I don't like to share some things I find too personal. but nonetheless I usually read every thread in the current section if I'm on here and generally only comment on fluff threads.

  • compound complex
    compound complex



    If it makes you feel better, then it's perfectly all right. Certainly, there are always far more reads than actual comments. Thanx for yours. Got any good recipes???

    Miss Ann:

    Yes, some we read with interest but are disinclined to comment on - for personal reasons. I totally agree. And on other occasions, we honestly feel we have nothing to add. Thank you.

    I am learning not to take things so personally. I hate being negative and impugning one's motives, as to why they say or do as they say or do. The benefit of the doubt, the benefit of the doubt.... There's simply no way of knowing what's going on at the other side of the PC halfway across the world.

    Thank you all, again.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt - I'm conducting an "experiment" ...


  • BrentR

    The only successful post I have ever put up went on for three pages. The three pages were all woman telling me in essence I was a jerk. So I learned my leason about posting questions here. Silly me, I was anticipating some help and insight. All the rest of my post's have disappeared within minutes into obscurity.

  • Awakened07

    Looking at my topic history, I have been happy when they have had many responses, but most if not all my threads have been started in order to reach the lurkers; those who are still in, but are reading here. So if one of my threads "fail" in getting replies, it's not the end of the world to me, because it may still have reached someone who isn't a member of the forum. Some of my posts/threads are specifically aimed at them even if I don't state it.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Brent and Awakened:

    Thank you for your responses - I am reminded of Kerry Louderback-Wood's comment [that I have not been able to locate in the pamphlet] regarding the reason for writing the article "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blood Transfusions, and the Tort of Misrepresentation." If her efforts could save the life of one child, she would consider her work a success. Incidentally, "This article is written in memory of all the Jehovah's Witness children who died following the Society's blood ban, including those described in the 22 May 1994 AWAKE! magazine." [ibid., introduction to pamphlet, extract from an issue of JOURNAL OF CHURCH AND STATE.]

    Write and post, write and post ...


    Thank you,


  • FreedomFrog
    I'll read a thread and I have something I could add but I don't because I don't like to share some things I find too personal.

    Yeah, same here. Many times I'll read a thread and start replying to it only to delete it later figuring someone else will answer. Some days I just like to read but don't feel in the mood to reply...a bit of laziness comes out.

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