What sort of a witness were you?

by brinjen 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • teela(2)

    What sort of witness was I.

    A very very very naughty one.

  • Thegoodgirl

    I was "The Good Girl."

  • esw1966

    I liked service.

    I pioneered for 3 years till they BOOTED me off the team.

    Towards the end I was just doing it perfunctorily.

    Still like talking about the Bible with others!

    I think it is pretty interesting!

  • Missanna

    i was the over zealous type. wanting to "help" all the people out there that were doomed. lol i was so stupid. I thought i had all the answers. I wanted to have a bible study with everyone. I was so convinced that i could help the people that i talked to when i was wrong the whole time. Elders even took me on their bible studies because i was so enthusiastic. the perfect little christian girl. it was sad. lol

  • snowbird

    In the beginning I was enthusiastic about FS. Several who worked with me told me I was good at the doors. The Bible is indeed an interesting book, and people here in the South have the greatest respect for it.

    Even though I'm inactive with the Witnesses, I still believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and continue to talk to people about the benefits of living by its precepts.


  • eclipse

    I was an enthusiastic teenager, regular weekend field service, even though it scared me sh*tless to talk to strangers..

    .I would stutter, forget my lines, gawd, it was pathetic.

    Then I became more relaxed as I started to rationalize in my mind that I was not there to impress anyone,

    just share a scripture and be on my way. People liked that, and I didn't care if I placed magazines or not...

    funny, I remember thinking that placing magazines was weird for a religion professing to warn others, (funny Jesus didn't bring ANY printed material on his sermons..)...

    it felt to me like the main purpose was to get time in placing magazines... gee, i wonder why?? and this was 10 years BEFORE I started to give my doubts a second thought.

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