Watchtower Magazines just as important as Bible?

by R.F. 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • R.F.

    A few months ago during the WT study, the conductor was sharing a point with the audience and he made a sickening statement....

    He said that the Watchtower is of the same level of importance as the Bible.

    Now I was sitting there thinking, "you've got to be kidding me!!!" But I look over the audience and I see alot of the audience nodding their heads in agreement.

    So a magazine that has contained spurious garbage throughout the years that is subject to change at the Governing Body's bidding is as important as the Bible???

    This is why most JWs can't explain their beliefs with the Bible alone, and how the organization can put on the facade of having strict adherence to the Bible when the fact is that they have their doctrines then they MAKE the scriptures conform to them.

    Even when JWs do Bible reading alone their minds are so jammed with WT dogma that they really aren't unlocking the Scriptures as they should. They simply can't help it....i've been there.

  • purplesofa

    hmmm, If it is as important as the bible, then why are they having WT's for the general public and WT's for witnesses?

    and why are they making it difficult for DF people to get them now?

    The bible is not restricted in any way as to who gets it.


    edited to add: The bible should not be restricted in any way as to who gets it.

  • Gopher

    I don't think the WTS is alone in placing their own teachings on par with the Bible. The Catholic Church has relied on traditions and teachings developed by its leaders and in its councils, and look at all the things they believe that aren't in the Bible. The Latter-Day Saints, well I don't need to say much about how the Bible is second-fiddle in their world.

    The root of this is the Bible itself, which can be interpreted / explained in so many different ways, that religions really MUST take what they want from it and teach it their way. I mean, there are liberal and conservative ways to view the Bible. The mercy of its deity or the vengeance of its deity can be emphasized, depending on denomination. The Bible was written millenia in the past, and for the cultures and peoples of its time. Today's religions have to try to bring it into the modern day, and explained in a way that they feel best.

    JW's are just one of many that put their teachings on par of or ahead of the book, which merely serves as a doctrinal springboard.

  • R.F.

    The thing I find comical about this is that the GB would never make this statement that this brother made in their very articles. However they ARE in agreement with him.



    God’s reminders are also needed because they strengthen us to endure our many trials in this "time of the end." (Daniel 12:4) Without such reminders we would become ‘forgetful hearers.’ (James 1:25) But diligent personal and congregational study of the Scriptures with the help of publications from "the faithful and discreet slave" will assist us to meet tests of faith successfully. (Matthew 24:45-47) Such spiritual provisions enable us to see what we must do to please Jehovah when we find ourselves in trying circumstances.



    In our study of the Scriptures, we can appropriately pray to God as did the psalmist: "Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me." (Psalm 43:3) If we desire to have God’s approval, we must walk in his truth. (3 John 3, 4) This includes abiding by his requirements and serving him in faithfulness and sincerity. (Psalm 25:4, 5; John 4:23, 24) We must serve Jehovah in truth, as revealed in his Word and made clear in the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave." (Matthew 24:45-47) This calls for accurate knowledge of the Scriptures. How, then, should we read and study God’s Word? Should we start reading it from Genesis chapter 1, verse 1, on through the 66 books? Yes, every Christian who has the complete Bible in his language should read it from Genesis to Revelation. And our objective in reading the Bible and Christian publications should be to increase our comprehension of the great body of Scriptural truth that God has made available through the ‘faithful slave.’




    Yes, what a stimulant to our spiritual wakefulness is diligent personal study of the Scriptures using Bible-based publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave"!



    Jehovah gives us sound counsel through his Word and through his organization, using the publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave."

  • OnTheWayOut

    Here's a quote that shocked me recently:

    *** w61 11/15 p.694 par. 23 Publishing the "Word of Life" in a Dying World ***

    22 What, then? We must not only publish and distribute Bibles but also live the Bible. We must not only put Bibles in people’s homes; we must also go back and help them to understand the Bible that we make it possible for them to read. We must arrange for them to have with us a home Bible study in order for them to see the truth of the Bible according to revealed scriptures and according to prophecies fulfilled in this "conclusion of the system of things." We must help them to see the truth according to God’s dealings with the visible organization that he has chosen and is using to publish the "word of life." Also, we must not only publish books about or in explanation of the Bible; we must also help the Bible readers to understand these Bible-explaining books, and to prove the things set forth in such books by their own copies of the Bible.


    In this activity we must especially copy the greatest Bible teacher on earth, Jesus Christ, who is God’s Word personified. When God poured out his spirit upon him, Jesus was commissioned to preach. (Isa. 61:1-3; Luke 4:16-21) The work that he was commissioned to do he did, although there is no record that Jesus put out one copy of the Holy Scriptures. He left the making of copies of the Scriptures and the distributing of these to the Jewish scribes or copyists of his day. He specialized, not on copying Scripture or making Bible copies, but on teaching what was already copied of the Bible. He used people’s own copies of the Scriptures or those kept in the synagogues. (Luke 4:17, 20) Not all of us can be Bible printers, but we can be Bible distributors and, especially, Bible teachers. This in particular is how we all publish the "word of life" today.

  • purplesofa

    If it is likened to the bible, then they are saying, in essence, they are inspired by holy spirit as the writers of the bible were.

    That, like the bible, nothing should be taken away or added to......and we all know they change information from mags to Bound volumes to fit their needs.

    They are proving over and over they cannot be trusted.


  • Mum

    Only a group of uneducated dubs would swallow such a statement. The western world's art, literature and legal systems are all largely based on biblical principles and themes. So when is the "world" going to catch up with the dubs? For example, when is the Metropolitan Museum of Art going to have its first exhibit of plagiarized Watchtower art with subliminal weirdness? When will school textbooks include Watchtower stories on a par with Nathaniel Hawthorne stories? When will "worldly" governments start requiring their citizens to shun fellow citizens who disagree with government policy (in democratic nations)?

    Get with the program, world. The mighty (almighty?) Watchtower has spoken.


  • flipper

    Mr. Flipper here. R.F. It's nauseating how for years now the elders and gb have thought they actually are the right hand of God. The fact that when they give personal opinions when giving counsel to others about problems is a strong indicator that they value their opinion over anything written in the Bible. Many times counsel is given in the shooting off the hip fashion based on some twisted interpretation of their Watchtower articles,and nine times out of ten it can't be validated by the Bible. They are conceited, arrogant assholes who value there own takes over God's word. I get pissed just talking about it. Mr. Flipper

  • Zico

    What I find amazing is that most JWs haven't read the bible! If you believe God, the creator and sovereign ruler of the Universe wrote a book, and you had that book in your posession, what could stop you from reading it!?

    It's totally weird that they don't read it.

    Zico, who never read the bible as a JW.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    I think JWs regard the literature as New Light (The Bible just there as a reference Book). Take the Watchtowers and other trashy publications away and leave them with a (real) Bible, and they wouldn't recognise it, let alone understand it.

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