Scribes, pharisees, hypocrits! Money grubbing bastards who deserve the eternal Lake of Fire! G.B., - eat shit and die! Quickly!
Assembly Hall shakedown - Columbia SC
by sir82 68 Replies latest jw friends
You people are terrible!!..This is a win win situation for everyone!.....God needs a new building!..Jehovah`s Witness`s are some of the highest paid janitors and window washers in the world!They can afford it..WBT$ has apreciated the value of the land,at no cost to them..And..They can flip it in a few years and make a shitload of cash.....Why???..Because..God needs a new building!..Jehovah`s Witness`s are some of the highest paid janitors and window washers in the..................LOL!!..What a bunch of Dumb Ass`s...OUTLAW
From my experience the congregations just don't have the money.
The society will want each congregation to be able to show proof (the financial obligation sheets) that they could meet $1,000 a month or more. Most congregations aren't even paying enough for their literature requests much less having an extra $1,000 each month.
If this thing gets built the WTS will have to front the money.
Even if it's fully paid for, the R&F get screwed over just the same.
You spend a fortune in gas to get to the Assembly Hall, where you check into a hotel at the bargain price of about $85 a night (including taxes, which are outrageous here), fork over money for breakfast, lunch, and dinner out, and go to the assembly where you hear how priveleged we are to be at Jehovah's table, and how it's only proper to show our appreciation by helping to pay the expenses of this spiritual feast.
It makes me so mad. My husband just got back from the convention. Can't wait to see the credit card bill. Plus, he's now in a foul mood, no doubt because of all the talk of evil apostates, the evil internet, the evils of college education, ad nauseum.....
Jehovah’s Witness group could bring $10M to PB
Pine Bluff Commercial , AR - 21 minutes ago
... also indicated it may be difficult to find a parking space in downtown Pine Bluff when the Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses meets at the ... The organization has also agreed to meet here in 2008 and 2009, he said, and tentatively agreed to hold their sessions here from 2010 through 2013. The number of sessions may swell to four annually, Purvis quoted congregation officials as saying. -
Great! Not! My retirement age parents live there. I've already told them to expect and plan for a looong retirement, and who knows what the economy will do once they get stuck on social security. They are just the type to donate for such a thing, being lifers and all.
I think everyone in the Columbia area hates driving two hours or more up to Salisbury, NC and back to attend that assembly hall there. I knew quite a few who put lots of time and money into constructing that one. All the while there are civic centers in Greenwood and Florence that can be rented, but we know the Society is about owning real estate, not renting it.
Funny, I think the rank and file will be all enthusiastic for it while secretly thinking that "someone else" in the congregation will foot the bill. No one ever questions who really owns the place once it's paid for. I was always amazed at how much it cost to use the Salisbury hall for circuit assemblies and special days.
Dave -
I think everyone in the Columbia area hates driving two hours or more up to Salisbury, NC and back to attend that assembly hall there. I knew quite a few who put lots of time and money into constructing that one.
I spent some time helping build that Assembly Hall in Salisbury. I was also in charge of a cleaning crew after each assembly for a few years as well.
I haven't stepped foot in that building in about 5 years now. I think about it everytime I drive down I-85 through Salisbury though. <shudder>
One reason could be "growth." More likely reasons include:
- The assembly hall they now have is old, inadequate, or sitting on a very valuable piece of real estate which could fill the coffers once sold (after they get $8 mil in contributions for the new one, of course).
- The regional building committee boys are bored and are being forced to go out in Field Service on Saturdays when they could be wearing old jeans and t-shirts and sportin' leather tool belts, to the envy of all.
- The WTS needs some good p.r. in the region.
- The assembly hall they now have is old, inadequate, or sitting on a very valuable piece of real estate which could fill the coffers once sold (after they get $8 mil in contributions for the new one, of course).
They're not selling the old one - per those at the meeting, it is needed to handle overflows - some congregations are renting facilities because there are no free weekends at all at any nearby Assembly Halls
The regional building committee boys are bored and are being forced to go out in Field Service on Saturdays when they could be wearing old jeans and t-shirts and sportin' leather tool belts, to the envy of all.
In this region (US Southeast) they are way backed up (years) with new KH projects & remodels. Boredom is not an issue - they are screaming for new blood to help out with all the projects.Again, it is not "growth", it is transplants - real estate prices never spiked up down here as they did in the rest of the country, so a lot of people sell their house for say $750,000 in New York, buy a similar house or even bigger for half that price here, and live it up (for a while anyway) on the difference.
The WTS needs some good p.r. in the region.
The WTS needs good PR's only going to get worse as news of lawsuits & settlements spread.
How many assembly halls could have been built for the $millions shelled out in sex abuse lawsuit settlements this year?
Good point.
But, even if they didn't pay out money for the lawsuits, the rank and file would still be fleeced for the assembly hall project.
And what kind of questions are in a financial survey?