pure torture..................
So I'm
by lola28 28 Replies latest jw friends
Yup..if it gets too bad I'm gonna have to get "sick" and find a way out of there.
I'm sure you'll get a nice refreshing nap. I caught a few j-dubs in my area snoozing away.
Maybe I'm wrong, but did you send in your DA letter about a year ago? Or maybe that was another poster I'm thinking of. If did send a DA letter in,, then how is it that you were
invited to attend with another j-dub?
Oh yeah that was me, I sent not one but TWO DA letters and I told at least five ppl that I had done so and yet I was enver announced as having been Daed, and ppl still come by to say hello ( maybe once every three months).
I caught my wife dozing off on Saturday. I just sat there staring at her with a pleasant smile on my face and waited for her head to snap to attention.
When she did and saw me smiling at her, she shot me a look that just might have shaved a few years off my life. -
38 Years
You could wear slacks and the convention badge and see what kind of looks you get.
>>I'm going to bring a slinky with me that should help.
WEARING something slinky would be more fun for everyone! (Except maybe the woman you're with...)
"Excuse me, Brother, could you pin my lapel card on for me?" :-P
Update: I had a horrible panic attack yesterday morning and I could not bring myself to go.
awe (((((((Lola)))))). I don't think I'd have been able to do it either, I wouldn't have been able to even set foot in an assembly hall without some serious sedation.