the society has painted themselves into many doctrinal, factual and existential corners. but imho, evolution will be the hardest one for them to wiggle out of.
i mean, the fact of evolution (as a general whole, if i may), is really only data. the philosophical implications of the data is what they are most afraid of, ultimately. and not even in terms of "God". not at all actually. but the fact that at the time they say adam and eve fell from sin there were actually many many many homo sapiens (hu-mans) all over the world. so, to begin with, the need for a savior is not required since, even if there were a YHWH-created "adam and eve", the chances of you or i being genetically related to them is pretty slim. therefore, if we are not related to them, sin does not apply to us (unless of course you invoke magic to explain how joe hoba inserted "sin" into all human genomes [since, as we know: genome ergo sum]). magic aside (), the WTS is f*cked.