and Assembly Halls and expansion?? Seems like a waste to me!
If Armageddon Is Soooooo Close, Why Does The Society Spend $$$ On Buildings
by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends
I wondered that, when I heard back in the mid-1970's the WTS was expanding its printing plants at the "WT Farms" in Walkill, NY. It seems like they knew their printing empire would expand far past the 1975 date when 6,000 years of human history would expire according to their chronology.
It`s all part of the Con Game..Scare the troops..Develope some Real Estate..Make some Cash.....Scare the troops..Develope some Real Estate..Make some cash.....It`s worked for over 100years..And ..JW`s don`t catch on.....Why ruin a perfectly good Con Game?.$$$$$$$$$...OUTLAW
I asked about that once and was told the Jehovah probably won't destory these buildings in Armageddon so they will be used in the new system as well.
Not sure exactly what scripture they got that from.....
It keeps the R&F busy when literature sales start slacking - Contribution boxes are feeling the pinch, so the WTBTS are screwing the money from the R&F another way (and they won't notice)
Brother minimus, I'm surprised at you. All these years of being a faithful Witness and being an elder and you have to ask this?
It's obvious, as the Bible points out, that no one knows the day or hour even though we know we are living in the last days. Since we don't know exactly when it will happen, we continue to keep on the lookout as our Lord Jesus Christ instructed us. Until that time when our Father Jehovah sees fit to exact destrution on those deserving of it, we will continue to expand our ministry as needed to help right-hearted persons come to an accurate knowledge of our loving father Jehovah and his purpose of turning the earht into a paradise for his faithful followers.
Please brother, turn away from these worldly philosphies and ideas and return to the true worship of Jehovah.
(We need you to lend your tools on the quick build...and oh yeah...can you provide the noon meal for about 150 workers?..oh yeah, we noticed on your last donation check that you were short of the amount that you agreed to pay each month for the construction of the new Assembly Hall... please remit the remainder of the balance by the next Service Meeting. Your Christian Brothers.)
drew sagan
I had an Elder tell me that the WTS expects the buildings to still be here after Armageddon.
There's an old elder in this congregation, in his mid 70's preaching everday that the end is close, and he just put lots of money on his house.
Things don't add up !!!
I asked one of my JW relatives about this once. They were stumped for several minutes while the wheels started turning in their brain as to the implications of this information.
I mean, how many years has the WTS been cautioning people against getting an education because the end is so near? How long has the WTS pooh-poohed the idea of JWs setting up retirement funds for themselves because the end is so near? How long have they "suggested" that JWs' money would be better spent supporting Kingdom Interests™ rather than buying a home or life insurance?
This was a perfect example to use when a JW read me the riot act about returning to school - if the WTS can plan ahead and invest and build and book convention venues YEARS AND YEARS IN ADVANCE and considers it a course of wisdom to do so, why aren't JWs getting a clue and doing the same for themselves??
Because the GB believes that Jehovah is going to preserve their little property empire right through Armageddon into the new system, while the rest of the world around them crumbles in ruins. Kinda reminds me of the parable of the rich man who decided to build more and more storehouses, laying up good things for himself, not knowing that he was to die that very night.
I'd imagine their property empire will come to a grinding halt shortly after 2014 when a critical mass of JW's start to realise that the emperor has no clothes on.