Ok so i here i am about to turn eighteen next month and im staring off into the oblivion otherwise known as the rest of my life. I'm young, fairly healthy, and anxious...for what? Don't ask me.... Hormones raging through my body and ive done so many "disfellowshipping" offenses recently that its almost embarassing lol no actually i feel no regret ironically enough and havn't caused any pain for me or any otheres. I've begun to realise that "truth" is just a blanket word for what makes sense to you. It's a constantly shifting and changing abstract concept that one develops over the course of there life based upon personal experinces and "revelations" but definately not blindly having faith in something just because someone tells you its so. Everyone has opinions so why should any of them be right or wrong? Right and wrong are just cultural concepts right? OK enough of this it sounds like im posting some kind of blog. But i just wanted to kinda show yal that im still alive and kicking....constantly thinking and analyzing and always evolving. Im in a fairly clear headed state right now, one of those rare occasions that i can just look at my life without blinders and really see it as it is. SO, i got a laptop so now i can come here with relative ease. WHich is realy nice. Ive been lurking around here for about a week now but i decided to post today because richierich felt i needed to haha.....okiedokie
Here i am
by thebiggestlie 14 Replies latest jw friends
Well welcome to the Board.Good place to be (HUG) from Granny
Congratulations on getting on track at such a young age. Is college in the immediate future? Have you explored college majors and career options? Take things one step at a time; you have plenty of time.
You're half my age, and making good decisions. Stick to it, you'll turn out better than many of us.
Hey, good to know your still around. So you have your 18th coming up, you're gonna need to have a really great 18th party to kick it off!
Glad to see ya!
I swear:
There are like, 5 guys here on the board that are all in their late teens, fer cryin out loud that have more sense than I had when I was like 10 yrs their senior...
Where were these people when I was growing up???
Good to hear you are doing well. Trust me, you are doing great. -
I swear:
There are like, 5 guys here on the board that are all in their late teens, fer cryin out loud that have more sense than I had when I was like 10 yrs their senior...
Where were these people when I was growing up???
Good to hear you are doing well. Trust me, you are doing great.I agree Kudra, why couldn't we have seen the light at such a young age.
I think this is a strong indication that the WT is losing control of it's membership. More people are seeing the truth and seeing it at a younger age.
see, everyone is glad to see you again, man. told ya!
I have been pretty much MIA for a while, while relocating from Texas to NC.....but, I am very glad to see you here too! Life has so many options open to you now that you are out of the controlling hands of the WTBTS. Don't be in too much of a rush to know exactly what you are going to do......things will fall into place the way they do. Enjoy your life, and don't be a stranger here!!