If you suffered a major personal setback.......

by pratt1 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep


    I suffered a major personal setback right before I decided to start studying with the jw's. If I ever consider it again, then I will not hesitate to go seek psychiatric treatment. There is benefit to that, at least, and it doesn't suck the life out of you.
    I think I'd even request shock treatment, first.

  • sexyk

    nice question buddy, the answers no

  • Gregor

    Odd question. My first reaction was that the person who submitted this thread was assuming that there are many who have some little corner of their brain nagging them that JWs are right and they are wrong. So, when the winds of life blow cold and harsh we run back and prostrate ourselves and beg to be let back into the "ark". Maybe there are some here that fit that picture.

    But I think I speak for the majority when I say that, perish the thought, should all of the setbacks described were to befall me, going back to JWs would never cross my mind. The WTS simply means nothing positive to me. There is a scripture (2 Peter 2:22) that speaks of a dog returning to the content of its own vomit - which made it sick in the first place and had been rejected - then eating it again out of some desperation.

    But in the case of someone who suffered some of these setbacks and real help was offered - with a big string attached "...if you'll get right with Jay Hoover, son..." - then I see nothing wrong with the idea of cynically faking it for practical reasons. The trick, of course, is to get what you want/need but not getting involved in WTS deceit and deception.

  • Seeker4

    I have to agree with Gregor - this is really a silly question. It's like asking if you'd start believing in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus again. Why would you? It's just stupid.

    Going back to the Witnesses has never crossed my mind, and I've had some of these "major personal setbacks" that you've listed. It's the sort of question someone would ask who hasn't really "thought" there way out of the Witness mindset. A good 10 minutes of honest rigorous intellectual examination of the JWs, and anyone with an IQ over 90 would never consider going back as a response to ANY personal setback, major or minor.


  • Finally-Free
    Diagnosis of a potentially fatal illness?

    I have a couple of health problems that may be the death of me. It could be today, or it could be in 40 years. They help me enjoy some of the simpler things in life. I can't see how rushing out to the kingdom hall or lying to people in serviceā„¢ would improve my health.

    Death of a loved one?

    My father's death didn't keep me in the cult, and my mother's death didn't send be back to it either.

    Sudden loss of income and livelihood?

    That happened to me when I was a JW. Most of the congregation thought it was a big joke when I lost my work and home due to illness. Some of them laughed in my face about it while it was happening. I can't see how listening to more of their ridicule would replace a loss of income and livlihood.

    Near death experience?

    I experienced that in an operating room when I was a JW. It didn't give me any reason to stay in the cult.

    Major setbacks are best dealt with head on and rationally. Turning to alcohol, drugs, or cults doesn't solve problems. It creates bigger ones.


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