I was reading something about black holes in space, and how would we know if we were in the neighborhood of a black hole. The author said we'd notice things like the outer planets disappearing and suddenly the lights go out and our world gets sucked into the dark hole to become who knows what. I worry about that just as much as I worry about Armageddon.
Well, it's June 12, 2007...
by WTWizard 25 Replies latest jw friends
"Who came up with this June 12th thing anyway?"
One "charismatic" person with the name Yisrayl Hawkins (http://www.yisraylhawkins.com/)
kifoy -
..It`s Absolute Destruction here in the Wilderness!!..There are Dead Squirrells everywhere!!!..LOL!!...OUTLAW
Utter rubbish.
I almost have to admire the way this guy moves absolutely seamlessly from one failed prophecy to the next. The nuclear war that was supposed to start on September 12, 2006 becomes instead the conception of a "nuclear baby" due to be born today, which birth would itself be the beginning of a nuclear war. As it's become obvious that there'll be no nuclear war today the time has been extended by another 123 days.
By mid-October when 80% of the world's population hasn't been killed in a nuclear war, no doubt he'll have fixated on a new date. Unfortunately, he appears to be suffering from the same type of delusion that we have seen so often on this board, and the fact that his prophecies have consistently failed does absolutely nothing to dissuade him. I'm slightly amazed that the old failed prophecies are still on the front of his website, but such is the power of religious delusion.
Well, I noticed on my way in to work today that a massive hell hole has opened up and swallowed the Catholic Church down the street. Does this count?
We had a metal recycling plant catch fire here in Toronto. It's only a matter of time before the UN bans religion and turns on the witnesses.
i cant wait until december 21, 2012
AK - Jeff
I think Armageddon came 'invisibly' today. We are all dead and don't know it yet, the Grand Poobah Profecor that made the prediction is now at the right hand of God in heaven, and he doesn't know it yet, and the churches are all gone but you can't see it yet.
If this guy follows the pattern of others, this invisible destruction may become visible a few hundred years from now.
It's June 13th here. Apart from a mysterious fireball that targeted several buildings around here, nothing much happened.