Going Veggie

by Sirona 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi Everyone,

    When I was JW, I didn't know any vegetarians. They had the teaching that God had allowed us to eat animals, so we just eat animals. No questions asked.

    Just recently I started to consider being vegetarian. Actually, I've pondered it for a couple of years now, occasionally cutting out meat for a bit then going back to it (usually a bacon buttie lures me ). Just recently, when reading something of a spiritual nature, I was prompted to think about it even more seriously.

    When I researched it on the net, it seems that there are some great reasons to go veggie. I don't think I could go vegan, but veggie I probably could.


    Who here is vegetarian or vegan? Do you think its something people should adopt? Are you against being veggie? Why?


  • Crumpet

    I knew one or two who were veggie for health reasons and also my youngest sister turned veggie when she was 5 and stuck to it ever since.

    I tried it for a little while but I really really like meat. I have to say though if you find a really good veggie restaurant it is tempting to switch. My first meal in Dallas was at the Veggie Cosmic Cafe and I loved it - the food was filling, tasty, and the ambiance great and plus it didnt send me to sleep like a big meal with meat and too many carbs might.

    Good luck with it and I hope you enjoy it. Veggie food certainly need never be boring!

  • DJK

    I'm a carnivore. Meat, meat and more meat. A buffet table with meat on it isn't safe when I'm around. I can eat beef raw to charcoal black. Seafood the same. On the rare occasion that I eat breakfast, it's steak and eggs. I have more recipes for chicken and pork than there are vegetables. Lamb, oooo I'm getting hungry.

    Good luck if you try veggie. You might like it as much as I like meat.

  • zagor

    I've never been a pure vegetarian but lately have started feeling repulsiveness toward eating meat for some reason. So lately if it is meat it is mainly seafood. And the funny thing is my mind feels sharper than ever before.

    My ninjutsu instructor is a pure vegetarian and still has got the power of a horse in him, with mind shaper than his katana lol.

  • Scully

    One of my children is vegetarian. If she didn't like eggs and dairy products so much, she'd probably go vegan. She has to take iron and B12 supplements because she became quite anemic. Other than that, she's quite healthy. She lost about 15 pounds by going vegetarian too.

    The only problem I have with it is that it complicates meal preparation somewhat, because she's not interested in helping prepare vegetarian meals for herself. I've gotten around that by making a completely vegetarian meal once a week - usually a pasta dish with tons of vegetables in a lovely sauce - that everyone enjoys despite the fact that it has no meat in it.

    There are loads of prepared food that you can buy in the supermarket too - I always keep some veggie meatballs and veggie burger patties on hand in the freezer for her. When I make a stir fry or teriyaki dish or soups, I'll do two separate pans - one with meat and the other smaller one with tofu.

  • CyrusThePersian

    I've been a vegetarian for two years now. While it was a little weird to put soy milk on my breakfast cereal at first, I do feel a lot better. As I get older I find that I can't eat like I used to without facing some rather dire consequences.

    Being a veggie is not for everybody but give it a try, you might like it!


  • Sirona

    Four great reasons to go veggie http://www.viva.org.uk/goingveggie/index.html

  • Sirona

    So I have been to the supermarket with Gary and bought lots of meat substitutes. He loves meat, so I told him to get meat and I would eat meat substitutes. All he got was one pack of chicken LOL . He might be feeling a bit unsure about all this veggie thing....but I will cook meat for him, honest!

    So I've got fillet thingies which substitute for chicken and I have quorn mince. I've used quorn before and I love it in chilli or bolognese.

    I've also got vegetarian bacon! I wonder how it tastes? Will it be any use?

    Perhaps this will be one of my little obsessions which lasts about 3 months then dies a death. I hope not because it sounds a healthier diet to me...

    But what will I do without actual chicken? and I like fish, and apparently you are not "veggie" if you eat fish. hhmmmm


  • Hortensia

    I tried being a raw food vegetarian once for about six months with dire consequences. Realized later how extreme that is - now I can eat meat or leave it alone, but I really like cheese which is actually more fattening than meat.

  • diamondblue1974
    So I've got fillet thingies which substitute for chicken and I have quorn mince. I've used quorn before and I love it in chilli or bolognese.

    I dont think I could ever convert to vegetarian but however it has prompted me to consider more humane and ethical sources for meat and poultry; perhaps more organic than mass produced.

    But what will I do without actual chicken? and I like fish, and apparently you are not "veggie" if you eat fish. hhmmmm

    Eating free range chicken and fresh fish isnt a bad thing- eat what you want honey!

    Gary (of the ever supportive class!)

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