What makes 'the Truth'....THE TRUTH?

by BizzyBee 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • BizzyBee

    Nutshell premise: The central doctrine of Christianity is that Jesus Christ died in order to atone for and secure God's grace for the sins of all mankind.

    Then what is the central doctrine of JWs? (It most surely is not the above.)

    IOW, what, essentially, is 'the Truth'?


    The absolute one Unshakable Doctrine in the WBT$??....."Do as Your Told!".....Everything else is subject to change...OUTLAW

  • Paralipomenon

    It's all relative.

    If anything was really "the Truth". It would be accepted by every nation and culture en masse.

    Shopping for salvation is not too different than shopping for any other item. Just look at what's out there and pick the one that suits you best. If you ever get bored of your salvation, you can always pick a new one.

  • Hellrider

    The pillar of Jehovahs Witnoidism lays in one word, and one word only: Armageddon!

    Everything centers around this one, fundamental doctrine, and how/what one must do to avoid being killed in it. The focus on Armageddon is so strong, that the concept of Armageddon becomes (although this is completely irrational) even more scary than death itself. To avoid being brutally slaughtered in this coming apocalypse, from which there is no escape (!), if one happens to be a non-jw, or a sinful jw, one has to accept everything: Obedience to the FDS and absolutely everything they say, obedience to every idiotic man-made doctrine and amateurish Bible-"interpretation" of the WTS, obedience to every stupid non-Biblical doctrine they have ever established. One word: Armageddon!

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon


    a fact must be proven...as must a theory...so what is the difference between them?

    The truth is a common accepted undisputable truth I think.

  • BluesBrother

    Like most things it can be different things at different times :-

    * it-1 p. 923 Genesis, Book of ***.

    It sets the theme for the Bible, namely, the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty and the ultimate fulfillment of his purpose for the earth, by means of his Kingdom under the promised Seed.

    *** jv chap. 18 p. 283 "Seeking First the Kingdom"

    ***THE principal theme of the Bible is the sanctification of Jehovah’s name by means of the Kingdom

    *** ip-1 chap. 17 p. 215 par. 1 "Babylon Has Fallen!"

    ***the Bible has a major theme—the vindication of Jehovah’s sovereignty by means of the Messianic Kingdom government


    w61 6/1 p. 324 Do You Teach Your Children the Counsel of God? *

    **The Bible has a theme, the kingdom of God by means of which God will prove to all mankind not only that he exists but also that he is the Most High and the One perfect in wisdom, justice, love and power.

    *** w66 3/15 p. 179 par. 16 "Increasing in the Accurate Knowledge of God"

    ***Foremost of these is the theme of the vindication of Jehovah’s name by means of the Kingdom Seed.

    *** w71 4/15 p. 230 The Bible—the Creator’s Guide for Man ***

    throughout its pages the Bible focuses on the theme of the inspired writings—the kingdom of God in the hands of Jesus Christ as the means that Jehovah has provided for carrying out his purpose

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think this is the answer you are looking for-

    The (current) central doctrine of the JW's is

    In 1914, Jesus cast Satan out of Heaven and the "last days" began, meaning that things on
    Earth would get steadily worse until Armageddon occured. The only way to survive Armageddon
    or be resurrected, either way being rewarded with everlasting life, is to accept that Jesus
    approved of the Watchtower corporation as his earthly representative, and that he has picked
    many of it's members to rule in heaven with him, and that a very exclusive group of those men that he
    picked are allowed to tell you exactly what the Bible means, and tell you how to live your life and
    to discipline you if you fail to live up to their guidance. Armageddon will arrive soon (subject to an
    ever-changing definition by those earthly representatives in the exclusive group).

    Is that what you are looking for?

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    JWs central doctrine is their interpretation of the Faithful Slave in Matthew 24:45

    The importance put on this teaching is very similar (in my opinion) to the insistence by the Mormon church on the revelations given to Joseph Smith. In essence, to be 'in truth' today means to accept the current messenger god is using (whoever that may be).

    JWs will give a very good show in trying to hide this doctrine, and say that there are actually things more important. By doing so they are simply hiding what is not palatable from non members, nothing more.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    The expression "The Truth" always reminds me of advertising slogans that make promises which are false such as "this is his best movie ever" or"hurry, sale must end Monday" and then right after they have another sale and so the sale goes on year after year."This toothpaste will leave your teeth gleaming white," is another. "New improved" is another slogan which is churned out time after time which makes you think that the original must have been pretty bad in the first place." These prices can't last." " Hands that do dishes can feel soft as your bottom."Well I haven't quite heard that expression but something very similar.

    So it is with the Whackytower " We are the only one's with the truth." "He has left the truth." what! "How long have you been in the truth?" Were you in the lie before that?" "We are trying to get people to accept the truth." you gotta be kidding me, right! "We don't believe that teaching anymore we have a "new improved" understanding less hard on our mental capacity which is as soft as our brain. These days can't last hurry down to your local kingdumb hall before we have to change our latest understanding once it's gone it's gone.,well until we bring it back again.

    Let's put a jingle to it.

    A million housewives everyday pick up a washtower and say this meanz truth.

    A meeting a day helps you work rest and play.The crumbliest flakiest religion .

    I'd like to teach the world to lie and furnish it with hate ,grow apple trees without the flees.

    Oh! it wasn't the apple on the tree in Eden it was the pair on the ground.

    Must dash.

  • VM44

    From the book Apocalypse Delayed: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses, by James M. Penton, page 245.

    "President Knorr made a significant and revealing statement in 1952 after some of the brothers in editorial had argued over a doctrinal matter. He stated, "Brothers, you can argue all you want about it, but when it gets off the sixth floor it is the truth." What he was saying was that once it was in print (the presses were on the sixth floor), it is the truth and we had to stand unitedly by it."


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