Bill Cetnar's Jesus = Jehovah Chart

by AlphaOmega 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AlphaOmega
    Since JWs believe they teach the only 'truth' they have the responsibility of coming up with reasonable explanations for scriptures which show their doctrine is not in complete harmony with the bible. Clear statements like those found in John 20:28, bring up questions that JWs can't answer. They should be able to answer these if they have teach the bible's absolute 'truth'

    (Waves to AO!)

    Indeed ! If they are the ones bold enough to hand out leaflets saying that God will destroy everyone except them because only they have the truth, the onus is theirs to prove it.

    Onus is defined here incase anyone confuses it with a similar anatomical term That word looks so weird when you type it ! Zico...
  • JeffT

    Thank you for posting that. I have the book (I think) somewhere in my garage. I know I had it years ago.

    No matter what you think of the argument, per se, this chart shows the JW's to be skating on very thin ice at best, when they say the Bible fully backs up their position.

  • willyloman

    Pick up a copy of a new book, "Jesus and Yaweh: The Names Divine" by Harold Bloom. Then draw your own conclusions. Cetnar's view is extremely narrow.

  • AlphaOmega
    Pick up a copy of a new book, "Jesus and Yaweh: The Names Divine" by Harold Bloom. Then draw your own conclusions. Cetnar's view is extremely narrow.

    What are the basics of that book ? Thanks

  • Flowerpetal

    I am sick and tired of charts, and other ways to try to explain the Divine. I have heard them explained as ice cream, but different flavors, 3x3x3=1, and all kinds of other silly stuff. There is no possible way little, puny mankind can explain what is heavenly, or divine. They can only use metaphors or explanations which are limited by human language. Sorry, but I have to agree with Terry.

  • mouthy

    Sorry, but I have to agree with Terry
    Never be sorry about what you believe ...This site is freedom to be what you want to be....

    It is the Unconditionl love store...We all agree to disagree (HUG)

  • HappyDad


    Why not talk in language we can understand. You have vehemently written about what you believe in many threads. Why not back off and keep your opinion to yourself once in awhile?

    You might make sense to yourself and a few others, but you make yourself sound like you are full of hatred for those of us who are interested in the original idea of this post.


  • willyloman
  • JamesThomas

    After the Witnesses, there were several years in my life that I strongly viewed Jesus Christ as my Master and most beloved. I never, never would have wanted to equate him with the repugnant and vile yahweh tirant found within the pages of the old testament. Why people want to, is beyond me. I mean, with worshipers like that, who needs enemies for christsakes?


  • Terry
    Language fails, because it is limited, it is merely a verbal representation of "that which is". We can think 10,000 thoughts a second, but try getting them all out of your mouth at the same time.

    Au contraire, mon frere.

    Language is the most highly useful tool.

    It is the failure of unreality to be real which damages the efforts of language to imbue verisimilitude.

    There are those who believe that the Bible is literally the word of God. This includes most Christians and all JWs, therefore this chart is an excellent "ready reckoner" for dialogue between the two parties about the thing that they have in common.

    Well, belief has a suspiciously audacious aspect to it. Those who wear belief as a badge of honor seem to always be flailing about trying to post charts that "prove" something.

    If you have proof that is genuine you certainly don't require faith.

    Remember, faith is simply saying "I want this to be true so bad I don't care that I can't prove it."

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