by badboy 18 Replies latest jw friends
Not necessarily - but I guess it helps if it is a scam. Hey, you've got to get something out of it?
Assuming by 'scam' you mean set up with dishonest means, I don't think so, no.
JWs are a scam IMO, because Rutherford showed by his actions that he didn't really believe his teachings, and Ray Franz showed some of the GB didn't believe their teachings, so it was run by dishonest people.
A lot of religions were founded by honest people and have honest leaders now, whether they're right or not is a different matter. -
That is like asking if the legal system or politics is a scam.
There are tons of scamming lawyers, politicians, and religious leaders out there.
The entire thing, though? No, plenty of the folks believe what they preach.
Of course, I believe now, that all the believers were scammed, so that means
folks who are serious believers are preaching a scam.Religion is an opium for the masses. Not all the members know that opium
is bad for them. -
I think religion is a cruch. It's a copeing mechanism for dealing with problems. People in general seem to want to know: "where did we come from, why are we here, where are we going?" Religion gives them answers. Whether these answers are based in reality doesn't seem to matter.
I think that many years from now (centuries, milleniums) if makind hasn't blown itself to bits or global warming hasn't wiped out all human life, there will be no religion. Mankind will have realized it's own innate potential and learned how to use it wisely.
AND,a steady diet of just opium has got to be bad for ya...just take a little when you need it,and always remain in control.would be the wisest course,i guess...
DO YOU THINK RELIGION IS A SCAM? you think lunacy is a disease?
More of a sham, I'd say.
If you had of asked if having faith in something is a scam, I would say no. However, organized religion that preys on the fears of people, in order to gain control over them, is, in my opinion, the greatest scam af all time.
The ones I have encountered are. I am no longer testing.
I have encounterd the theory that religion is an organized collection of beliefs and behaviors. I am not exactly sure what is going on in this dimension on this planet. I have heard from non witnoid thinkers that what you believe on this planet will effect your destiny in the next life. The thinking is that when witnoids pass over they will live their next life in the conditions they craved in this life. They will have 5 meetings a week with field service and spend a lot of time with confused simple minded people. It sounds like hell to me. Same with other religious groups. The moslems will live somewhere where they can blow each other up and spread hatred. The baptist will live somewhere they can always have a stupid republican president and protest abortion and scientific advancement. And on and on.