Why they won't try again...

by besty 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty

    I have spoken to two JW's today's who are well acquainted with my non-conformist stand and absence from the meetings.

    much difference in their readjustment approach <emotional v logical> but they shared this in common:

    They both explicitly refused my invitation to pursue the conversation to another session - both said they saw no basis for 'getting anywhere' and didn't see the point of endless conversations...I accept that but also think...

    1 - how bothered about my eternal salvation are they?

    2 - how sure are they in their own mind to return for Round 2?

    Just made me think about why they both decided 1 shot was worth it but wouldn't follow through?

    I do like a bit of intellectual back and forth and will argue the toss if my opponent is like-minded and capable, but to concede on the 1st attempt is weak?


    however at least they stopped by and tried....

  • reneeisorym

    You aren't brainwashing material and they can sense it.

  • poppers

    Renee nailed it.

  • brunnhilde

    That's it exactly. They aren't interested in intellectual conversations. They know they have the "troof" and aren't interested in "wasting" valuable time they could be using to suck some less resistant person in to the cult. Besides, they're taught to do just that. If you're a sheep, you'll be called, if you're not, tough luck, it's not on them, they tried. (what a load of tripe!)

  • jgnat

    You old goat, you.

  • Marcel

    JWs are told over and over again not to discuss. A JW **Discussion** Forum like this is apostate per definition. JWs dont discuss, they swallow and learn to swallow better. when JWs 'discuss' they talk about new swallowing technics.

  • Pubsinger

    ROFL @ Marcel

    So true.

    A JW discussion is:

    • They speak The Truth AT you
    • They press Mute and smile politely while the receipient speaks
    • When they see the listeners lips stop moving they switch the sound back on
    • Repeat point 1.
  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams

    In the movie "Troy" the charicter played by Brad Pitt approached the wall and challanged one of the leaders of Troy to personal battle...remember that? Sorry, have to go to work and can't look up the names.....

    The warrior comes down, goes out, and fights. Win, loose, draw: doesn't matter.

    The JWs, like this scene, or, like the soldiers in the Battle LIne of Israel when challanged by Golieth, are challanged to come off the wall and fight out in the open.

    They will not. They cower and quiver and pee thier little pannies in the face of fact, logic, and capable arguementation.

    They are wall clingers. Yet, they boast and crow from the wall as if they were capable of comming down and backing it up.

    Old saying: the have an eagle mouth and a parakeeet a**.

    Hang tough,


  • poppers

    From Vernon Williams: "Old saying: the have an eagle mouth and a parakeeet a**." ...... LOL! That's a new one to me - thanks, I enjoyed your whole response.

  • nvrgnbk

    I was told by an elder that couldn't answer any, not a single one, of my questions that it didn't matter, because with my bad attitude, I wouldn't be satisfied with any answer he would give me anyway.

    That was the nicest thing anyone ever said to me.

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