You couldn`t even yell at your own parents without being taken outside the city gates and stoned.
What's interesting about this observation, is that in the class I took on Archaeology and the Bible, the teacher (an Orthodox Jew), outlined the procession that would have been necessary for any parent to actually stone their children to death for disobeying them. It was purposely a very long trek and the feeling is that by the time they actually reached the outer gate, cooler heads would have prevailed. There is even a growing feeling that it is unlikely that the Israelite parents actually took such a drastic step, except perhaps in extreme circumstances when the child was so evil and so rebellious that they were deemed a threat to the community.
But the law on blood has no death penalty!
Like the other situation above, there was a law against eating blood that was punishable by death. However, this would have been referring to casually eating blood in everyday life, which would be showing a great disrespect for The Law and would basically be like giving God the finger. Ss was quoted above, in life and death situations, there was no punishment for eating blood, if it would save a persons life.
Only in jw-land.
Yep. Only Jehovah's Witnesses view letting your child die rather than accept a blood transfusion as "showing respect for the sanctity of life." While there are certainly risks to taking a transfusion, when the alternative is death, it's not a difficult choice. Besides, the laws in the Hebrew scriptures on blood, it's talking about hygiene and dietary laws----not human blood.