The Governing Body allows the running rumor to gather speed, and pushes it along
that "Armageddon is so close, we really mean it this time."
What is their advantage in doing so?
I will start out with my reasons, please keep adding.
The end is near because.....
1. It is good for keeping the rank and file busy. No need to worry or plan for the future. Just go to meetings
and preach and read your literature.
2. It keeps the family and congregation "encouraging" any that miss meetings to get back to the hall.
3. It causes the rank and file to tell the disgruntled former Bethelites that they really are needed in the field,
so "Shut up and keep preaching, you won't need retirement planning anyway."
4. It pushes the "No need for education" policy. Education is bad for mindless drones. They might start
thinking on their own and question the Borg.
What else?