Our poor little Brookie (whyamihere) got her poor little finger slammed in the door by my adorable grandson tonight (ACCIDENTLY OF COURSE). She had to go to the hospital and get big needles stuck in her finger to releave the pressure and is now enjoying the benefits of pain medication. I'm sure she could use some well wishes as fingers are very important and so is my lovely Brookie (whyamihere). Poor, poor baby. GIVE OUR BROOKIE SOME LOVE!!!
Sympathy Alert! Sympathy Alert!
by HadEnuf 19 Replies latest jw friends
(((((((((((((((((brookie)))))))))))))))))))) I hate when that happens! JK
Mmmmmmmm pain meds......gooooooooooood
Sorry about your finger. Kids and grandkids do silly things sometimes. Hope your feeling better soooooooooooooon.
horrible life
I am so sorry, I have had this happen to me. But I didn't have anybody to blame. I parked my car, put my keyring on my first finger, locked and shut the door. ON MY FINGER!!!! Not only was I in pain, but the key ring was on the finger that was stuck in the door, past my 2nd knuckle.
I yelled, nobody came. I screamed, nobody came. I cried, nobody cared. I waved, they waved back. My finger did stop hurting for a few minutes at this time. Finally a shop-keeper kept seeing the waving, from inside his shop, and came out to investigate. He said he could faintly hear me cry "help". I figured I was breaking someones eardrums. He locked up his shop, and came over, and said, "I'll bet that hurts, can you open the door?"
Drove myself to my old pediatrician's office, I was about 20 years old. After he stitched me up, he said I had to find a new Dr. He tried to limit his patients to little kids. LOL
Hope this makes you feel better. Yeah, laugh at my pain. Even though it has been 27 years, I still remember it like it was yesterday, and I still have the scar. Come to a Texas apostafest, and I will show you mine, if you show me yours!
Oh big hugs brookie, hope that you are ok, at least this way you can get out of housework and cooking, thats what id be doing anyway hehe.
hope it heals soon
I once slammed the car door closed on my son's hand , he was about 4 (the oldest), He screamed, my husband almost passed out (big wimp, that he is).
Anyway, nothing was broken, bleeding or injured in any way, neither of them spoke to me for the rest of the night, dad mad that I "wasn't paying attention" and the kid just because "how could you close the door on my hand". And I felt like S***
Enjoy the pain pills!!
I've done that...4 door car, sitting in the front passenger seat,
back passenger door was open, right hand was wrapped around the back door post,
SLAM, door closed on my fingers where it hinges....I had dents in 2 of my fingers for about 3 months, not exaggerating...
I didnt go to the ER though since they weren't bleeding or swollen that badly (not broken), very painful for about 2 days.
Hope your poor fingers get healed soon!
Bumble Bee
Yep, had my fingers caught in the car door too. OUCH!
Hope you are getting pampered Brooke!!
Here's a hug for you!
Oh, and enjoy the pain meds while you can, those things are a bugger to get refills on!! lol
Hope it heals quickly - you need ALL OF YOUR FINGERS for your line of work.