Do you LOVE Jehovah's Witnesses?

by AK - Jeff 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kid-A

    I would say "indifference" is a more appropriate descriptor.

    Personally I dont really buy the whole "I love my fellow man" position. Lets be honest. We may love our friends, our family, our pets...but complete strangers? I doubt it. Now, I would come to the aid of a fellow citizen who needed my help in an emergency, but I consider that civic duty, not "love". Love is a strong emotion and concept that should be reserved for special relationships.

  • bigdreaux

    it's like what the witnesses say about sinners. i love the people, i hate what they do. the thing is, most of us were judgemental and hypocrites at one point. we may still be. they honestly believe what they are doing is right. the w.t.s. has them so brainwashed, i can't hate them, i feel sorry for them.

  • 38 Years
    38 Years

    I feel deeply sorry for the ones who are trapped because of family situations. Since I was one of them, I can understand. I feel sorry for the kids whose parents are taking away their goals and teaching them fear and guilt. As for the rest, no, the love was gone a long time ago.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    When Japan comes after our land again, and all the money they paid us to do what they wanted us to do...I will love them then

    And when the Japs again torture and kill their children and perhaps even eat them in front of them...rape their wives..starve them...they may have to stand up and do something they glorify themselves for not doing currently...

    Or they might not...and simply give them a watchtower to go with their meal.

    Only they can answer that.

    What did the Chinese Witnesses do during "the rape of Nanking"?

  • heathen

    Just think Heathen! You know you love us and we (most) were Jdubs...... just saying

    The key word there is "were" dubs . I didn't go thru years of service to be DA'd but I can say I hatem just as much as the people that did. They really are sick . Glad you got out.

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