JWs and their thoughts on prayers by "worldly" people.

by R.F. 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • R.F.

    How have JWs expressed their views as to the prayers of people that aren't JWs? Do they think God listens and answers?

    For instance, one elder that was speaking of prayer said, "just think how wonderful it is. Jehovahs listens to the prayers of about 6 millionpeople, and he takes the time to listen to yours.

    So my guess is that his implication was that God only listens to the prayers of Jehovah's Witnesses. But what about the rest of those praying to him? Are they left in the lurch?

    My brother-in-law just died a few weeks ago and his grandmother died about 3 weeks before him. His other grandmother died last year as well as a couple of his uncles. His family are Christians and they can testify to the strength they've received from God through all those difficult times. Where did they get their strength from? Satan? Honestly, I can't even imagine going through what they've been through over the last year and they seem stronger than I am right about now.

    I know of many others as I know you do as well that have received such strength through prayer. I know many of you have as well.

    What are your thoughts?


  • Mysterious

    They have to believe that god at least hears their prayers because of all the pat experiences they give of someone who has been praying for guidance and then jehovah's witnesses show up at their door the next day.

  • undercover

    I was always under the impression that "Jehovah" didn't listen to the prayers of Christendom as they were part of Babylon the Great but that he did hear the prayers of honest-hearted individuals who were truly seeking him...how else would they be able to give all those experiences of worldly people who were desperately praying for God's help and a JW miracously showed up at their door.

  • Quandry

    I remember reading that God heard the cries of people against Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Also, Jesus is the mediator between God and men, and he died for ALL people.

    God is called the hearer of prayer, so yes, It seems he does listen to more than six million people.

  • purplesofa

    I remember when I was studying, I thought,

    what is the point of praying? if he only hears JW's

    My bible study teacher told me that God hears sincere prayers.

    I am sure that somewhere I read or heard that God hears prayers that are in align with his Will.

    Also, there is a 1995WT, You are Precious in God's Eyes article (I don't have WTcd on this computer yet)

    where it states that sometimes God will answer prayers that he otherwise might not would have. Maybe someone can find that article, please?

    Meanwhile I will try to find my cd.


  • purplesofa

    April 1, 1995 WT p.19 article You are Precious in God's Eyes


    Perhaps it is through the privilege of prayer, though, that we experience Jehovah’s love in the most intimate way. He invites each of us to "pray incessantly" to him. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) He listens! He is even called the "Hearer of prayer." (Psalm 65:2) He has not delegated this office to any other person, not even to his own Son. Just think: The Creator of the universe urges us to approach him in prayer, with freeness of speech. Your supplications may even move Jehovah to do what he might not otherwise have done.—Hebrews 4:16; James 5:16; see Isaiah 38:1-16.

    I will never forget this paragraph and last sentence of this article.

    Found it!!!


  • zack

    If God knows everything, then he knows your prayers. I think what the Bibile writers meant about God "hearing" a prayer may have to do with actually His acting on what you pray for. I personally find it inconceivable that anyone can believe in God and believe that he created us and then believe that he shuts his ears to everyone except a cult of 6 million WT salesmen.

  • barry

    I remember going to a Presbyterian Church service that was an ecumenical type service. The minister presiding prayed for all the religious communities in the small town including the Jehovahs Witnesses. No JWs were actually at the service.

  • PinTail

    The basic crux of the matter concerning prayer is this, first of all Jehovah is a god of love personified, the scriptures tells that the eyes of Jehovah are roving about the earth searching anyone whose heart can be complete towards him. Think of what he sacrificed for mankind, namely his righteous son to undergo a horrible death so that ALL mankind can live and be redeemed from our fallen state, so in view of this do you think he is looking for ways to keep from hearing a honest hearted prayer from someone. (Anyone)... supplicating to him in a time of great need such as the hurt that death brings along with its great depletion of spirit. Jehovah IS, near to ALL those broken in spirit, and their cry for help he hears. (Trust me, never under estimate Jehovah when you call out to him, even if you feel your faith is not much or that you are too big of a sinner, he will hear and he will do as his own good pleasure sees fit for you personally.)

  • RHodge6685

    Prayer by non-JW's was one of the things I was thinking about a lot when I started to have doubts about the Organization. I worked with godly women (not JW's) who had meaningful prayer lives, and many examples of answered prayers. When I asked an elder's wife in my congregation why it seemed their prayers were answered, she blew it off and said even the terrorist's prayers are answered. She implied only JW's are really heard by God, unless it is something that will lead someone to the JW's. I couldn't accept that. I believe God loves us all, and does what He can within His will to help anyone who tries to reach out to Him. The women I worked with seemed to have a closer relationship to God than I did.

    It was just one of the many things that got me thinking, and eventually out of the Watchtower.

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