What percentage of the congregation only see each other at the hall or f/s?

by truthseeker 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • proplog2

    I've been in a lot of congregations but the current one suits me just fine. In the 16 years I've been in this congregation I haven't been invited to an Elder's house once. I've even commented on this at the Watchtower study once when we were discussing Christian Hospitality. Still nothing has changed. It's unbelievable. My previous congregation I was in 9 years and I was invited to Elder's houses at least twice per year. It all depends. There really is a difference in halls. But, I like the anonymity I enjoy at the present hall. It's still hard for me to comprehend how they could be so self absorbed.

    That's one of the proofs there really are no angels directing the work. Or maybe the Angel's are protecting the Elder's from me.


    My congregation is social among the different cliques. In general though I seldom see JWs other than mtgs and F/S. In my case though, I can't stand being around them anymore and if it weren't for my wife insisting that we go to the rare gatherings that we are invited to I would never see them other than at the hall. I have slowly removed myself from the tiny social scene.... good riddance!

  • LongHairGal


    Sometime during the '80s the socializing ended. I didn't see or hear much about roller skating, visiting dude ranches or other gatherings anymore. The only thing I did hear about until several years ago was the cong. picnic. Who knows what happened? Maybe too many young'uns consumed too much beer!


    I know what you mean about being invited to things because they want you to buy $$omething. This is why I stopped going to baby showers and weddings unless I was friends with the families. Why should I buy a gift for some ingrate who doesn't say hello and wouldn't even appreciate it? Better that I should spend that money on myself.


  • MinisterAmos

    We get invited *rarely* but who cares? Like there's REALLY someone in the Hall you want to hang out with? Holy Crap I have to spend HOURS picking up any movie that isn't PG, hiding books etc. every time one comes over the house, on the fear that I'll get ratted out to the elders for watching 1980's "Miami Vice" DVDs or having Samurai swords on display. Ridiculous.

  • Poztate
    A few families did camping and would group for a long weekend, not often. I hated it when that happened because they would have the watchtower study right in a campsite on Sunday morning.

    Geeez....Happened to me. I got stuck with about 30 dubs on a camping trip. They HAD to have their Sunday morning W.T. study.

    I went out on my boat and went fishing. Bunch of control freaks. The only guy that was laughing was the study conductor. He got to have a great vacation and count time for his hour spent.

    I couldn't really give you an accurate estimate because having a father who left the organization before I was born I was left out of a lot of the social arrangements going on.

    Whiner....... Dad.........

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