Paragraphs Please - Your Online Pet Peeves

by Mysterious 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    What are some of your forum pet peeves?

    Paragraphs - Please use them. I'm sure you have something to say but if it makes my eyes bleed I pass.

    Capitals - i don't know about you but i think this just looks juvenile BuT nO wOrSe ThAn ThIs

    Text-Talk - b4 u post lik dis think cuz i think u r 12

    Error Messages - always clipboard, there is nothing worse than a long post that just doesn't go through.

  • WTWizard

    One I hate is excessive spelling and grammatical errors, aside intentional ones intended to make a point. I understand that those with poor English skills have a hard time with this and are learning. And that Germanized English is actually poking fun at the Watchtower Society comparing it to Hitler, so I can accept that as such.

    Why? Spelling and grammatical errors, except when intended to accent a point, can make a post harder to read and understand. A few will not hurt, but if every other keystroke is a typo, it can become extremely hard to read and understand a post. We all make typos, and some will get past our best efforts to catch them. But, if you do make a typo and see it, it helps all who read that post if you find and use the backspace key. That will make posts easier to read.

    This does not apply to intentional misspellings. Such as Craptower, Kingdumb Hell, Jehovah's Witlesses, a$$embly, and the like--those all help enhance the meaning. In fact, I actually think posts including those variances enhance the meaning of what you are saying: calling it "witless" means that Jehovah's Witnesses have no wits and are therefore witless. And the Kingdumb Hell is just that: it's dumb to go there, and it is hell. Those are helpful.

    For those who are struggling with learning English: Keep practicing! That is the only way you will ever master it, and we will have to put up with it until then. This is especially important if people from Mexico, Brazil, and Nigeria are going to start posting. If you use software to translate your native language into English, that will help too--and we will accept whatever errors are inherent with such.

    I do think the other format tools are good when properly used. One huge paragraph is not easy to read, and using all caps also makes it harder to read (though it is possible to accidentally hit the cap lock button and not notice it until it's too late). And judicious use of the forum features like large text, emoticons, colors, highlight, bold, strikethrough, and the like enhance the posts.

    Notably, I have very few problems reading and understanding the posts on this forum, since most of them are reasonable and follow reasonable grammar and spelling.

  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    OMG WTwizard, were you on the writing commitee??

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    I'm not a full blown spelling nazi, but one thing that really does annoy me is the misuse of homophones; they're, their, and there, for instance. You're and your are frequently misused as well. In chat rooms, it makes me want to scream when somebody says "im board, due u want too talk?" If I'm in a particularly self-righteous mood, I sometimes bait such people... "sorry, I don't like wooden conversationalists".

  • fokyc

    Isn't all of this covered in the ministry school book?

    "Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education" (2001)

    Available to members only from your local KH

    Perhaps we should all return to the fold?


  • WTWizard

    No, an 8th grade grammar book would suffice. Those are also useful for writing things like job applications and the like.

  • nvrgnbk

    wont read a super long post

    worse without paragraphs

    simplicity is our friend

  • jgnat
    nvrgbck: simplicity is our friend

    Except when Leolaia or AlanF wax eloquent. I also will read a newbie's introduction, no matter how long. Their stories are always so fresh and original. Mysterious, a few words about the current forum glitches:

    Paragraphs - Please use them. ...

    If the poor poster is on something other than Windows Explorer, they are screwed. If they are using a Mac, they are screwed. I've edited enough of them out to know their original post was paragraphed fine, it's just that the software did not recognize their breaks. Give the poster a break.

    Error Messages - always clipboard, there is nothing worse than a long post that just doesn't go through.

    This forum doesn't like paragraph breaks in Word either. Here's a tip to save loads of frustration. Copy your post or create your post in Wordpad first. Then paste it in here from there. I do nearly all my editing in Wordpad now.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    wont read a super long post

    what's your tolerance level? I tend to be a bit long of wind....I am trying to edit down to be more succinct, cause I want my posts read and commented on...

    newbie's introduction, no matter how long. Their stories are always so fresh and original

    I agree with jgnat, its worth reading through them...

    and as for those whose native language is not english.... I dated a sister for awhile who was from another country whose native language is nothing like english.... the first time I spoke with her on the phone, I understood 5% of what she said...after 6 months.... I understood 95%...and her english in writing (via IM) got a lot better...and they teach english in their schools....but if they dont use it....they lose it.... sooo...those posters not speaking english...practice practice practice here...we APPRECIATE you here...

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "appreciating good grammar" Sheep Class)

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper
    One I hate is excessive spelling and grammatical errors

    Shouldn't that read; "Two I hate are excessive spelling and grammatical errors........."?

    That aside, my minimal span of attention just won't let me trawl through long paragraphs. My mind tends, thingy, you know?



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