How Would You Approach a JW "studying" in Public Transportation?

by GermanXJW 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mysterious

    Tell him you've been looking for a copy of the book for some time and ask if you can have his. He'll count it as a publication...well it will be..for the trash can.

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Being in a train, I could point out that in the "Finished Mystery"......... dude.......Nothing from a past pub. will even stir a person who believes they have the truth.for the simple fact that the society tells us the light keeps getting brighter.....excusing any, and all responsibility on their part to be accurate..leave the poor sod alone.they are on their own are you.take that aggression and go buy a good beer..crack it open.and drink it down in celebration that YOU are free of the grasp. Cheers.

  • monophonic

    it would depend who it was, if it was one of those hottie jws, i'd start with the 'i'm interested' routine, then ask for an instant bible study at my place where i happen to have absinthe and 'no it's not illegal', then we'd do shots and she'd try to preach to me but i'd undress her with my eyes and she'd know and do more shots in the hopes of forgetting the best "O" (and i ain't talking oprah) that she'll ever have in her life b/c her trophy jw hubby that she'll get soon won't go down on her and do the job that needs to be done.

    i've decided to ride a lot more public transportation. :)

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    Boy...yer a sicko:P

  • monophonic

    wait til ya read my book. :)

  • whyizit

    I think I would figure out a way to look like an interested by stander. Then try to get them to answer the hard stuff...

    Tell them you are interested in different religions, and ask them about the history of the WTS. If your are lucky, they will come up with the 5th Chapter of the Proclaimer's book for you, and you could point stuff out:

    Wow! So CT Russell was an Adventist? What's this mean when it says he taught the LORD's TRUTH, not his own? Since he taught the LORD's truth was Jesus returned in 1874, is that what the LORD's truth is today? It isn't! Did God get it wrong? Hmmm.........

    You get the idea. There are so many questions you can ask as a innocent by stander, and you already know all the responses, so you could have a profound effect. Just be sure to be kind and not act like you know too much. Let them try to answer the questions that aren't in the "book".

    Get around to the fall of Jeruslaem. That seems to be a real gear-turner in the mind.

    Go for it!!!!!!!!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi GermanXJW,

    I think your basic plan is fine, but I would suggest a more powerful introduction to really get this prson's attention. Something like:

    "Achtung Dumkopf! We have been watching you!

    Don't you get it at the third time that this is bullshit?"

    Let us know how it goes.

  • nvrgnbk
    wait til ya read my book. :)

    Nice monophonic!

  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    YEAH! maybe you should carry a big club, and just beat the poor bastard.........and yes.Monophonics book will kick ass..I know....for i am a privvy little bastard.

  • brinjen

    Do the 10 questions thing like;

    You: I noticed you are studying the Revelation book I assume you are a witness do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?

    Witness: (glowing with pride picturing themselves on the platform at the next TMO with their 'experience') "Why sure"

    1. What is your opinion of 1914?

    2. How many times have you studied that piece of crap before?

    3. Do you think armageddon is coming in 2034?

    etc etc I'm sure many others could think of much better questions. When you've rattled off all 10, walk away...

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