Google recently has had to start building contracts with YouTube Channels with 1+ Million followers. The "Make-Up artist", "College Humor", "Honest Trailers" are rumored to have been given $,$$$,$$$ (Seven Figure) contracts to remain on YouTube after another competitor offered them serious cash to leave. The Buying Power represented by these three players on Google represent a large audience with money, they know whose worth what and we know how much the average JW visitor is worth by inductive experience.
Simon is right, Twitter has been dealing with "how do we monetize our platform" and has disappointed investors since their second Q. The Watchtower is no "Facebook", "Link-In" or "Alibaba". Look at Yahoo, it's valuation is completely based on it's share of Alibaba, Yahoo's shares in Alibaba are worth $49 leaving Yahoo only worth $2.00 per share.
The average JW and Visitor willing to endure fiction created by the Cult can't be valuated with normal metrics used by other successful companies like Facebook and Alibaba. Think this one through, what is the sum total of the average Watchtower potential Cult Member and what education do they have? The Demographics you speak about don't have the buying power Marketing Firms are willing to buy. Who is going to bid for their information? Clorox, Mr. Clean, Johnson and Johnson Cleaning Products, Swisher-Toilet Cleaning, Ajax, Windex, Glad Trash Bags, Herbalife, Amway, Avon?
How do you valuate a demographic that's mainly poor and uneducated? My goal is not to be nasty, using their own words the only ones responding to the message of the Watchtower are Poor People without Educations, that's the territory the Elders fought for in our Kingdom Hall forever. Nobody wanted to call on the houses where the folks living there, had money or a education because of potential humiliation and rejection!