Is it written in cat? There are some translation sites on the net.
"God's Plan of Salvation - from a Cat's Point of View"
by Nathan Natas 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
We would need to know specifically what kind of cat as the Siamese translation of Jehovah is much much different from the Javanese and don't even get me started on the Korat !
Nathan Natas
Rutherford is a 16 pound Maine Coon Cat. His typing leaves much to be desired and requires a very patient editor with access to a pound of Canadian Catnip. His style requires much from the reder, but he lifts the veil between worlds. What more can I say?
oh my - I had a 20 pound Maine coon cat who died a few years ago. The best cat I ever had, they have such a nice personality. I'd believe anything a Maine coon cat tells me.
On Red Dwarf, the Cat Race wrote their books in smells. You had to have a real nose for what they were trying to get at.
As for cat theology, that's easy: my cat's think I'm a god!
moggy lover
Lucky you, Stephanus, my cat thinks she's the god-person in the family!!
...and don't even get me started on the Korat !
Are you sure that's not "Q'ur'at" (with as many 's as possible)?
Lucky you, Stephanus, my cat thinks she's the god-person in the family!!
My cats just think they're both the Pope
I'd believe anything a Maine coon cat tells me.
True, but they take so long to say it.
Hey nathan natas!
The poster - forsharry- has a Maine Coon kitty too! Did you see his picture? His name is Connor the Great.
If you so wish, go back to my topic on SHOULD JWD HAVE A FURRY OR FEATHERED MASCOT? His picture is there. He is absolutely beautiful!!
God has already pronounced judgement on selfish cats. Once they may have had his favour, but ever since the fall of man, they have used their self-centered traits and cunning to dominate their owners, and to indulge their propensity for a slothful lifestyle.
Notice the cat in this picture...
It will use up it's remaining 9 lives here,
but not before sinking it's claws into any human flesh it may come into contact with!
However, if you still choose to indulge your feline friend
by reviving Rutherford's writing style through your feline's paw,
it may help to recreate the studio where he did some of his best work........
Does anyone remember the series of Peanuts cartoons where Snoopy was going to write a book on theology? He dropped his typewriter on Lucy's head when she suggested he'd be no good writing about theology, because he'd be too "dogmatic".
And about the "catastrophe" depicted above, that's old light. Everyone knows that the Watchtower plans to still have plenty in the kitty, even after the big A!