They say they believe Jesus Christ is "a god" as John 1:1 in the NWT teaches. They even call Christ "Mighty God". (notice no small "m"). How can Witnesses be considered believing in only one god if they accept the Son of God as a god too???
If Jesus Is "A god", Why Are JWs Considered Monotheists?
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
My guess is because Jesus said his father is " The Only True God" That's the answer I think you will get from the Society.
That answer is unsatisfying. Is Christ the "only true Mighty God"?
They also believe in Satan, another god according to their teachings.
your trying to find logic in dub teachings? good luck bro.
edmond dantes
That's why the Trinity Doctrine was formulated.To try and settle the age old argument of a seemingly unexplained contradiction as found in the bible.Jesus was so special that the early christians were prepared to die in the belief that he was Lord ( God )and not Ceaser.The Trinity in it's way says that Jesus is of the same essence as The Almighty therefore you can still have the one God.
I would prefer to believe in the Trinity explanation than the Witness explanation.It's a matter of who do you believe.I know which belief I prefer.
your trying to find logic in dub teachings? good luck bro.
Welcome to the land of confusion.
My guess is because Jesus said his father is " The Only True God" That's the answer I think you will get from the Society.
They also believe in Satan, another god according to their teachings
It made me wonder too, how they would preach there are lots of gods (including jesus and satan) but only one true god. I thought that sounded a lot like putting jesus in the same 'pot' as the other false gods.
Haven't you heard? The trinity is a mystery but God is God and Christ is God and the Holy Spirit is God and yet there are not three Gods but only one God. When Jesus was baptized God spoke out of the clouds, the holy spirit God was a dove and the man God was Jesus.
So this God became a man, then sacrificed himself to himself so he could forgive us humans of something that some man did thousands of years before we were born. All we have to do is believe that crap and we will have everlasting life somewhere(new earth or maybe new heaven) but if we don't we will be tormented with fire forever by this loving God. It's all so simple.
Ken P.
Oh yeah. How could I not see that before?