The History of the Question. No one knows the exact origin of the idea of God in the human mind. If the idea is true, it originated either from human reasoning, or from divine revelation, or from the experience and memory of a supernatural intimacy in Eden, or from the experiences of the mystics, or from ordinary, present -type religious experiences.
If the idea is false, then it originated in either fantasy, fallacy, folly, or fear or all four or any combination thereof.
From the book: "Does God Exist? The debate between Theists and Atheists." Interesting views from J.P.Moreland, Kai Nielsen, Peter Kreeft, Antony Flew, William Lane Craig, Keith Parsons and Dallas Willard.
Some fundamental questions and their answers that have shaped individuals lives: Is there a God? What is the evidence for belief in such a being? What is God like? Or is God a figment of human inspiration? How do we know that such a being might not exist? Should belief or disbelief in God's existence make a difference in our opinions and moral choices, in the way we see ourselves and relate to those around us?
I am starting to read this debate at the University of Mississippi for the second time and thought I might share and recommend this book for those who have not yet read it and like these kind of question and answer debates when it comes to why debate the Existence of God? They talk about: The Primacy, Nature, Defination, Parameters, Motives, Existential Import, Validity and History of The Question.
The conclusions drawn by both sides leads us to decide for ourselves whether God is fact or fantasy. However they recommend a way to find out at the end of the book which I will leave to yourselves to accept that recommendation.