My husband and I was talking about this the other day. What would happen if one became very very rich, and our JW relatives learned about it? What do you think they would be saying, or thinking? Do you think they would be jelous? Would they come out of the wood work, soto speak? Personally I would tell them to hit the road, if they did come around.
What if you became very rich?
by Irish Rose 12 Replies latest jw friends
What if you became very rich?
i am very rich. JWs from my previous life just don't see it that way, is all.
i bet the elders would even call on me if i got wealthy.
Remind all Witnesses that come looking for money that we're not under Mosiac Law and that it is selfish and un-Christian of THEM to expect me to just open my wallet and 'hand them money.'
Who cares what they think? Who cares what anybody will think?
Just enjoy and do whatever you want, but make sure that they money is there when you are 95.
Blondie (would donate some to keep JWD in perpetuity...and other such sites...and help the posting be easier for me with my reivew)
I would do everything I could to destroy the WTBTS
I don't consider myself "very rich" but statistically am in the top 5%. I've had one of my JW nephews who along with his parents shunned me for decades call my wife to see if I would send him money when his house burned to the ground. We discussed it and decided it would be of little consequence to us financially so we were ready to send a $500 check but he never called back with the address to send it. Perhaps circumstances changed and accepting money from the black sheep of the family wasn't attractive... We held the check for a year then disposed of it. carmel
If I became very rich I would go back to the kingdom hall and get reinstated. After reinstatement I'd buy a flashy car that's half a block long, a big house, and very expensive suits. I'd have an ostrich leather service bag. I'd go to Tim Hortons during service for coffee and donuts, pay with $100 bills, and let the server keep the change. I'd get a diamond embedded in one of my front teeth. I'd give the congregation donations of 50 cents per month, and at the end of the year get on their asses for my income tax receipt.
Seriously though, I no longer have any JW relatives, and I never really had any friends while I was a JW. I'd be surprised if anyone came out of the woodwork looking for a handout, but if they did I'd likely tell them to get lost. I'd use the money to take an early retirement, help out family and friends, and move into a rural area.
If I became very rich I would have a very good time. As far as my wifes witnoid relatives they wouldnt come around because Jehober has been taking care of them. I dont see them now and I wouldnt see them then.
I dont really have ill feelings towards my wifes witnoid family. They are all my age or younger and we were brainwashed into the organization. It was harder for them to leave, they had more family in than I. They were not as emotionally strong or as intellectually aware as I. So I dont have ill will towards them. Now the parents, thats another story.
I guess I could even kind of forgive the older generation, those in their 70's. Back in the 60's and 70's we didnt have access to information like we do today. It was a field day for the watertower society.
I'd donate a few new printing presses to the wbts. Very special printing presses. That print twice on the page. The first will be what they want printed. This however, would begin to fade after a couple of weeks to show the other page underneath it. This will feature topics such as the 607 facts, all the dates armageddon was supposed to arrive etc. Apostates paradise!