Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-17-07 WT Study (DO NOT PUT APART)

by blondie 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • snowbird

    I divorced my first husband in 1979 due to his lying, cheating, no-good ways. I was led to believe JW men were the best. Imagine my chagrin when I found our there were JW's who had lying, cheating, no-good ways also. If not, they were so controlling as to be unbelievable. I knew one sister who had to ask her husband what size eggs to purchase!


  • Robert222

    That opening paragraph is a joke. On a road trip, YES, you might turn around, you might abandon your car (depends on the car if it can be repaired, so forth) you might forget your car get a rental along the way!!

    However, your WIFE is not a CAR, your MARRIAGE is not a CAR!

    What is the end goal in a marriage if marriage is simply a journey?? A journey to where??

    At the outset the reader is forced in his or her mind to apply an example that has nothing to do with marriage.

    No wonder I am insane from years and years of reading this junk!! As Blondie said in another thread, the Emperor has no clothes! The WA knows nothing about human life and existence, and I wish more JWs could wake up to this and come out of their fog.

  • karvel

    my step-father did the wt study today. the PO commented on the 3rd par. which talks about divorce in the world saying that "some in the world have not only been divorced once but two or three times..." this is my step-dad's 4th marriage. i had a good chuckle to myself.

    he was a witness through his first three marriages. and none of his divorces were on scriptural grounds. infact his exwife had to sign a document saying it was ok for him to remarry so he could marry my mom. now's he on stage givin advice on staying together. lol.

  • blondie

    That opening paragraph is a joke. On a road trip, YES, you might turn around, you might abandon your car (depends on the car if it can be repaired, so forth) you might forget your car get a rental along the way!!

    However, your WIFE is not a CAR, your MARRIAGE is not a CAR!

    Good point, Robert. Of course, some wives might get more attention if they were a car, a Porsche or Jaguar?


  • blondie
    I always found it to be very cruel, that the only grounds for divorce could be adultry.

    PS: The WTS qualifies that concept by saying "scriptural" divorce. That is you can get the divorce on the 3 grounds they mention, but you cannot remarry without risking df'ing.

    The elders are always lenient towards other elders that stray into adultery territory; after all, they may be next.


  • blondie

    Elsewhere, I called Irreverent "lord" at times.

    I've never heard a JW wife call her husband "Lord".

    My lord, why are you 30 minutes late?

    My lord, why are you tracking on my clean floor with your shoes.

    Actually, it probably is a sign of disrespect.


  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Thanks Blondie! I didnt have as much time to look at everything in detail, but one thing that stood out to me was the use of the verse:

    Jesus warned: "Everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."-Matthew 5:28.

    If that is read in context with all the NT scripture, its saying even if you dont commit the actual sin, you might as well have because of your fleshly desires. It shows why Jesus came to do away with law, and true christians were to be living by grace. It also shows if you dont submit to becoming christian, you will still be under law and condemed to die for your sins, which is the position of the majority of JW's who work hard to follow mens rules and yet will ultimately fail as they reject Jesus, and wont become annointed.

    CS 101

  • sir82
    If an elder neglects his family, he could jeopardize his appointment

    Don't neglect your family - it is morally wrong. Nope, not important.

    Don't neglect your family - it is unloving. Meh, so what?

    Don't neglect your family - you might lose your position. WHAT?!?!?? Lose my POSITION??? Oh my God NO!

    I think the fact that they chose to use that reason to "not neglect one's family", out of all the dozens of reasons that could have been listed, speaks volumes to the real problems within the WTS.

  • nvrgnbk


    The bethel elder who gave my wedding discourse actually likened my wife-to-be to a car.

    It went over my head at the time. But it's way too sad and funny looking back on it.

    Nvr(car enthusiast)

  • LongHairGal

    Listening to this study I was struck with the fact that this is all about tip-toeing around the man's feelings - like he's some kind of weak ego idiot. God forbid the woman should not speak softly and "respectfully" [puke]. The whole thing was an insult to my intelligence and I could barely tolerate listening to it.

    I also found the comparison to a car rather pathetic. If my husband compared me to a car I would tell him to go sleep in the garage with the car.


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