Thinking back at the start of me questioning that perhaps the "friends" were not really true friends at all, were some experiences I will relate below: Please share those that you have experienced.
After I had carpel tunnel surgery and was in a cast.....not one of the "friends" asked me about it? At first I thought they wanted to be "polite" and not draw attention to the fact of the cast...but thinking more about it was just plain unloving and uncaring. While I was still in the cast....the cong. was having a going away for an older couple...I was told the park and the time. I went with 4 liters of sodas carrying them through the park.....looking like a crazy woman in a cast with these heavy items walking around the whole was a good size park too! After not locating them, I went home frustrated. At the next meeting, when I asked about it, I was told that the location had changed! Why had no one told me, called me, etc.?? So unkind and unconsiderate.
Another time an infant granddaughter of a fellow "sister" whom was also a friend and workmate died, I attended the funeral. Just because her daughter was DF'ed at was so sad....all of the mother and grandmother's work mates, family, neighbors etc. came but of course no JW's. Our fellow workmates questioned why those from our "church" did not attend the funeral....what a great "witness" huh? I was scoulded when some other "sisters" found out I attended...I told them it was the "loving" thing to do....
Also when this same sister (grandmother of infant) whom is African American....was with a few other "Caucasion" "sisters" after service...were talking about going out to eat and shopping afterwards and what they wanted to shop for etc...carried on a conversation right in front of this "sister" and did not include her nor invite her to go with them!! So rude...don't know if racial or just rude or both!!
Also a young "sister" whom I went to the book study in her home....was handing out her school pictures...after service to all the others in the group...when I innocently asked for one....."oh, she did not have anymore!? So rude....
I know there are other stories, most I have chosen to forget....but I am sure you all have tales such as these....needless to say soon after I "sent my letter of dis-association"....yes, wanted to make sure they never showed up at my door again!