I want to wish Happy Father's Day to my Dad who has been gone about10 years now. And I want to wish Happy Father's Day to my 38 yr. old JW son.This is all a bunch of foo-foo because my son won't read this, so in a way it just dosen't matter.
These holidays are nothing less than wishes that come from our deepest thoughts and feelings about family . . . the family that is no longer there, the family that IS blood, that IS genetically bound to us,the family that should take it upon themselves to be apart of the sole recognition of their Father, Dad, POP ( ol' bastard ) whatever, on his special day....but their not.
I like to think that this is one of those days, in a long line of many, where Witness people lose a little bit of their soul . . . they may laugh at that sort of accusation, however, when they lay their heads down to sleep I believe a light fog will fold over their inner sanctum instructing the dream-makers to dance unwelcomed dreams, and it is there that their folly is realized and the hundreds of mind-filed photos of their Fathers is revealed.
However, when morning comes and the dreams are lost to the wind all is like it was . . .defined, orderly,directed,and shirttail securely tucked. READY for WItnessing !
That's right, Susan ,last night is gone. Didn't mean anything anyway, right?