GB vote on the blood ban.....when? Where was it reported?

by Gill 25 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • sir82
    My understanding is that up until 1945(?), taking a blood transfusion was a matter of conscience. Garybuss recently did a thread on this that as late as 1951, you didn't get the Axe for accepting a blood transfusion

    Up until 1961 it was a "conscience matter", although still looked own upon, much like smoking up until 1973. Someone with CD-ROM access can look up the QFR discussing this.

    There was also a QFR from sometime in the late 50's (again would need help from someone with CD-ROM access) about an "anointed sister" who took a blood transfusion. The question was, "should we bar her from partaking of the emblems this year?" The reply was "No, it's a matter between her & Jehovah, we cannot judge".

    I have no idea what caused the major shift between "we cannot judge" to "oh you bet your sweet bippy we can judge, & we will" between the late 50's & 1961.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    there was a 1949 wt article that said blood transfusions is a great thing. to save lives someone may want to look it up.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    They can put a surgical drain in an incision now and collect the blood that is lost during surgery. Depending on the type and length of the surgery, as much as 3 units of blood may collect. Then, after about 2 hrs., they transfer this blood directly into a bag and hang it to reinfuse through a vein, just like a blood transfusion. The whole system is connected with no break from the patient at any time. According to Watchtower rules, this is permitted for a Witness patient.

    When you see the procedure done, you would think the person was being given a blood transfusion. That is because they are, only it is their own blood they are getting. The only thing that seperates this from storing your own blood for surgery is the amount of time involved before the blood is reinfused.

    The Watchtower Society is skating on thin ice here. I could see where they may decide to allow storage of your own blood for a longer period of time. I certainly hope they do. That won't correct every problem that arises with blood, but it would be a step in the right direction.

  • Warren

    According to the October 15, 2000 Watchtower, JW's are allowed to make their own decision concerning procedures/treatments involving the removal/return of their own blood if done within the course of a "current therapy". A "current therapy" has been interpreted as meaning within a single hospital stay but in actual practice these procedures are usually accomplished within the same day.

    This is a big change from the policy that was in effect prior to the October 15, 2000 Watchtower. During this time it was forbidden for JW's to have blood that was removed from their body and even briefly stored to be put back into them. Today a JW can have any amount of their blood removed from their body, stored, treated and then transfused back into them several hours later. It is still forbidden to pre-donate one's blood and store it for several weeks prior to surgery.

    This change has huge implications.

    It is no longer true that having blood injected into the veins is the same as eating it, otherwise JW's are guilty of eating blood.

    It is no longer true to say that JW's abstain from transfusions of whole blood, white cells, red cells, plasma or platelets because they accept any and all of these in autologous form so long as it is part of a "current therapy."

    Since it can no longer be argued that injecting blood into the veins is the same as eating it or that injecting blood into the veins is NOT abstaining from blood, on what grounds are JW's forbidden from pre-donating their own blood for a future operation or from even taking a transfusion of donor blood?

  • Warren

    "The whole system is connected with no break from the patient at any time. According to Watchtower rules, this is permitted for a Witness patient."

    Since October of 2000 JW's can now have blood completely removed from their body, stored, taken to a lab, treated in some manner, and then transfused back into them so long as it's part of a "current therapy". The November 2006 Kingdom Ministry lists several of these approved procedures.

  • Gill

    Warren - It would be interesting to know how many long term, die hard JWs would actually take advantage of any of these loop holes that now exist in the so called 'No Blood Transfusion/products policy' of the WT Society.

    I suspect a lot are like my parents who see these concessions as being made for the 'spiritually weak brothers'. They would never accept any of these new loop holes and so are doomed should they ever be in the unfortunate position of bleeding to death.

    The only way that die hard JWs can feel free to accept life saving treatment is if the Governing Body own up to their mis interpretation of the scriptures......and that will never happen!

    In the end it remains a murderous doctrine no matter how many holes you punch in it!

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