For those who didn't go to uni....

by brinjen 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    My father attended university before he became a witness. He was always pro education, but offered no explanations regarding the conflict with witness veiws on the matter. I was a great debater, always was. My dad wanted me to be a lawyer.

    Unfortunately, he didn't grow up with that conflict, nor did he grow up having all of his social life taken away and having the pressure of doing what the witnesses wanted of him. I was already carrying a truckload of baggage by the time university was in the picture. I just couldn't see myself spending the next ten years with my nose in a bunch of books while suffering inside socially and mentally from living out my life to fulfill the desire of others.

    He offered me 20,000 dollars to attend any school I wanted to but I was a freakin basket case after the witnesses had their orgy of shunning delight with me. I became street riff raff and faded into non relevance. I truly beleive I could have become anything if I wasn't raised in that efffin bullshit religion with those bullshit people.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Recently my brother had an accident at work and has been getting paid to get an education. He is now 42 years old. He says he is doing so much better in school now than ever before cuz his head is filled with so much bullshit as when we were younger.

    He has told me that he has dicovered a whole crew of witnesses attending the same collage and even teaching. They support eachother and have no guilt about anything. It absolutely enrages my soul!

  • owenfieldreams

    I regretted it for a long time, because at the time I wanted to go so badly and my parents wouldn't let me. And, even though I think the WTS's heavy-handed approach to trying to tell parents whether or not their children can go to college is wrong, my whole view of higher education and academia has evolved and I no longer think having a piece of paper stating that you have a degree from somewhere automatically guarantees you success, unless of course you want to make a career in government, law, or medicine. If you're going to go into one of those fields, which I never was, then obviously a college degree will be necessary. Otherwise, I think it just depends on the individual. Keep in mind some of the most successful people in business either never finished college or never went at all, like Bill Gates and Sam Walton.

  • R.F.

    I didn't finish college.

    I went about 5 years ago and I truly hate I didn't finish. I was on the path of getting a business degree.

    I want to go back within a year if possible. I'm still young but I hate i've spent those few years on the org.

  • Dawn

    I wanted to go to medical school, but did not go to college because of JW influence. I didn't have the $$ and didn't know about grants and low interest loans so I figured that college wasn't an ooption - my parents very strongly encouraged me to get married and pioneer.

    But it's never too late! I did go back to college later on and just graduated this spring with my Bachelor of Science degree (I'm 41 now) - which got me a nice promotion at work doing exactly what I want to do. I encouraged my kids from the time they were little to go to college - my son is in his 3rd year of an Engineering degree. The little one (9) is not yet ready for college but is planning her interests and future career already.

    If you regret not going to college I really encourage you to just do it - even one class a quarter. Start back - don't keep looking at the past and your regrets, instead, look to the future and your possibilities.

  • Mary
    Especially those who didn't go on account of the borg (the vast majority). Do you regret this decision?

    Hell yes.

    If you did go what would you have studied?

    Either Communications, Business, or Archaeology/Biblical Studies

    What would you study if you went today?

    I am going today but only on a part time basis. I'll probably major in Religious Studies. I can't wait to take the one course on "New Age Cults" (you got one guess as to which cult I'm going to be doing my paper on). If I get less than 95% in that course, I'll be shocked.

  • jaguarbass

    Especially those who didn't go on account of the borg (the vast majority).

    Do you regret this decision?

    If you did go what would you have studied?

    What would you study if you went today?

    I regret it often. I have been able to get about 2 years of college, in law enforcement and corrections.

    But if I wasnt a witness when I was young and I knew what I know now, I would have studied to be a school teacher. They work days, no weekends and have the summers off and lots of hoidays.

    Second choice would have been medicine to be a nurse, they make good money and have a lot of independence.

    No one ever put me on the track to be a doctor as a child and I think you have to start young if you want to go in that direction and have a shot of getting into medical school.

  • brinjen

    Crumpet... Wow! That's a 'meaty' subject. Very interesting subject too.

    Tyrone... I can relate to that feeling. I left school mainly because I saw it as another way to control me, just like the borg. Not to mention my promising career in pioneering and gaining the approval of the elders..

    He has told me that he has dicovered a whole crew of witnesses attending the same collage and even teaching. They support eachother and have no guilt about anything. It absolutely enrages my soul!

    It sucks how theres always another set of rules for the 'in' crowd.

    Dawn... I am considering it...

    Mary... If you get less than 100% for that assignment, I'm going to 'have a word' to your professor

  • tijkmo

    im going now...

    studying music - performance, theory, sound production, recording

    i love music

  • ninja

    not gowing to yooni didnt do mee eny

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