I think for me,,expressions of hatred and anger only fueled my persecution complex. Pity bothered me.
As a JW,what affected U most from non-JWs? Hatred, anger, or pity?
by Gayle 12 Replies latest jw friends
I hated that non-JW"S had that look like they knew something I didn't.
After all, I was the one with the TRUTH.
Maybe that look was pity,
I really feel that many worldly people pitied the JW`s for leading such an wacked out lifestyle. The lack of love in the org and the real love that I saw in the world really troubled me. After all, they were supossed to be getting destroyed for their wickedness. Yet there is more real love among the worldy people.
My jw seems annoyed if hears someone (us evil non jw's) pray for him and for him to 'see the light' so to speak. Would this be common amongst most jw's? They do not like people praying for them?
My grandfather tried to tell me I was wasting my life with those wacko's. I guess that's pitty.
I think all strong emotions get in the way of straight communication. What about humor?
For example, hubby came home threatening to distribute the latest brochure at my church. I told him it was a GREAT idea, and he should DEFINITELY do it. I asked if I could watch.
isolation - on the one hand there was the sense of superiority to the world, on the other hand I felt isolated inside the congregation and isolated from the world. Their hatred and anger just seemed to prove JWs are the chosen people, pity was wasted as we felt superior. But ordinary human contact - or the lack of it from the congregation and from the world, that had a strong effect on me. I always felt like that cat that walks alone.
i was told that were were superior,but i was still wicked jealous of kids who got christmas and birthday presents...
Hatred certainly did add fuel to my fire. You're set up to react the way they wish you to, rather than looking at another person's emotions objectively, while still holding your own beliefs.
I always had good friends who were not JWs. No one seemed to care what I believed.
Ken P.