In the episode I just watched, the Doctor was fiddling with Rose's cellphone and used the term "jiggery-pokery." I'm pretty sure that's what he said. What does that term mean?
Dr. Who question for British posters
by Insomniac 24 Replies latest social entertainment
Its when someones been messing about with something, or fooling around.
I LOVE Dr Who.
Did you see the episode with the weeping angels last week? Utterly BRILLIANT. So clever. And this week when Captain Jack returned my 9 year old was shouting at the telly "THATS WHAT THE FACE OF BO TOLD HIM - 'YOU ARE NOT ALONE'"
Ahhhhh (goes into paroxysms of delight....)
It's a term that people use to hide wizzardry - hiding the "how" of something complicated.
jig·ger·y-pok·er·y (j
n. Underhand scheming or behavior: "By some legalg
or perhaps illegal
jiggery-pokery, he could declare the election void" John Hughes.
[Alteration of joukery-pawkery : from Scots jouk , to dodge (probably from duck 2 ) + Scots pawk , trick.] Courtesy of answers.comWe do have some strange expressions !
Thanks, Katie!!
Now, don't tell me any more about the current season, as we're one season behind you, here in the States. The last episode we got to see on t.v. was right after the Doctor was able to speak to Rose one last time, and then the bride appeared in his TARDIS. Can't wait to see this new season; I think we'll get it in another month or so.
OMG - sorry - dont want to spoil anything.
Next series after Rose is AWESOME. You think you will never get over his assistant not being Rose, cos she was so good. But you do.
So many good episodes.....
I'd like to know if anyone recalls the word Tom Baker/Dr. Who used for the Tartus that meant that the Tartus was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. It was a made up word, I'm sure, but it was funny. I'm a fan of the Tom Baker Dr. Who.
It was no problem for me to say I came from another world and could go back and forth in time in my emphysemic old Tardis which was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Problem? For me who believed in Guardian Angels and was convinced that pigs were possessed by devils after their New Testament encounter with God's son? It was easy and I loved it.
Tom Baker
In his autobiography
Was that the word ?
Was that the word ?
No. In one of the episodes with Tom Baker, someone asks the Doctor how the tardis is bigger on the inside than on the outside. He utters some unusual word and the fellow asks what it means. The doctor then says it means the Tardis is bigger on the inside than the outside. It's a witty little exchange that only Mr. Baker could accomplish so skillfully.
Time And Relative Dimensions In Space
Was that the word ?
No. In one of the episodes with Tom Baker, someone asks the Doctor how the tardis is bigger on the inside than on the outside. He utters some unusual word and the fellow asks what it means. The doctor then says it means the Tardis is bigger on the inside than the outside. It's a witty little exchange that only Mr. Baker could accomplish so skillfully.... and there was me thinking that I was being clever. emphysema > flattening of the air sacs in the lungs which allow them to have a capacity greater that the expected volume. Maybe I read too much into things. I'm off to have a lie down now