I am an inactive JW who has 3 sons left in the religon. My oldest son has been baptized for4 years and has recently married again. He gets his son every other weekend. My grandson is only 8. He has went back to his mothers(who has never been a JW) covered in bruises from physical spankings for not wanting to go to meetings and field service. I have offered to babysit while they go door to door but they won't hear of it. This last visit my grandson injured his shoulder while they held him down in the car seat. My ex daughter in law has filed police reports, reported to social services, nothing happens. She wants to file for full custody but must wait for a public lawyer. We are all poor to help out money wise. I have given her the cd for jw custody, handbook for jws and printed out medical directives. What more can I do? I am not in the same city as my son or grandson. I have only been invited to my son's place once. Please offer some advice.
what to do? Grandson being beaten by JW father
by slvrtrixter 48 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Get the boy to a doctor for xrays and photographs of the bruises. This needs to be documented. If mom reports to the doctor that she suspects that the boy is being beaten, the doctor has a professional obligation to get the proper authorities involved. The dad can be charged with criminal assault.
Good luck.
Has she taken the boy to some authority to have pics taken? Also she may try a womens abuse organization. If they can't help her directly they may be able to get the ball rolling. If all else fails try a reporter and ask if they will do a story on the non action of the authorities who's job it is to help protect children. During school time the mother should point out the bruises to teachers, principal, etc... They are required by law to report any abuse even suspected abuse. She must become her childs advocate and not give up, keep reporting. There may be a lawyer who will take her case pro bono she should search for one who will. She should also contact here-
Lady Liberty
Dear Slvr...,
WELCOME to the the forum! What a terrible thing you must be going through!! I am so sorry, I am not sure what else to do. But I do know if it was me, I would stop at nothing to get that child to safety. I also, would be sure to let that little guy know you are all doing your best to try and help get him out of that situation. I would write Dr. Phil! I know that may seem strange, but if it gets the attention of the producers, it may just be something they may want to help you with. It would not be the first time he has gone to bat for someone who cannot get the needed attention from the authorities! Just a thought, as crazy as it may seem. Afterall, what do you have to lose??
Lady Liberty
Wordly Andre
You have to go to the police, not just once but bug them, anyone treating their kids like that is wrong, be prepared for the Bro's to stick up for him and say he is a wonderful father and all that "not bringing reproch shit" yes take him to the doctor, bring the freaking report to the police, ask the neighbors if they see anything, Can't let this go!
Yes, by all means, get medical attention. Call Child Protective Services every time it happens. Document the date and time of the calls, whom you spoke to, what you told them and what they told you. Keep carefull, detailed written records of each telephone conversation. Write a letter to the supervisor or person in charge asking why nothing is being done, with copies of your documentation. If they still do nothing, hire an attorney and sue them for not protecting your grandson. If there is an attorney who will give you a free consultation or a reasonably priced consultation, talk to one. This lack of taking action is inexcusable.
I think Silent Lambs has some volunteers who might be able to give you advice. www.silentlambs.org
I know of one father who was beating his son, and the grandparents hired a man for a reasonable fee to warn him. The hired thug just talked to the father, who would not listen to any other counsel. The hired man said that if he ever got wind of the father hitting his son ever again, he would bring down the entire police force on him, when he gets charged, the entire judicial court system to make sure that he went away for a long time. The father never touched his son again.
Me, I would have no remourse about paying someone to beat the crap out of the dad, sometimes, a bully needs a dose of his own medicine. Yes,I am against spanking, but when it comes to teaching an adult a lesson, sometimes talking, police checks, social services doesn't work as a deterant. They will know that they DESERVED it, and will know that if they hit their child again, they will get it much worse the next time.
Ok, let me have it people.
I cannot stand child abusers. If I was a man, I would beat up a child abuser myself, just turns out I'm a woman and I'm not big or strong enough.
If it were my son abusing my grandson I would go over to him and plant a solid one right in his face and threaten him with more if he hurt my grandson again. Eh, that's just the kinda guy I am.
I have no idea what country your from but in the USA the local authorities should act on this immediately once it's reported. The police will photograph injuries and go to a Judge, day or night and get protection orders until a hearing can be established.
You haven't mentioned the type of relationship you have with your ex-daughter inlaw. If you trust that she is truthful then you have to support her for your grandson's sake. I know your son is involved and it makes for a difficult situation, but a childs welfare has to take precedence. Blood or not, you have to get tough to protect those that cant.
If it were legal, I would endorse eclipse's idea, not because it's right, but because it's the only thing abusers understand, pecking order. People who are defenseless are fair game to such people until they realize that they are weaker than someone else who will come to the victim's defense.
However, it won't do the child any good if grandma ends up in jail or on the wrong side of the law for doing what works.