favorite weird foods

by bigdreaux 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk


  • misanthropic

    lol, I started a thread like this one awhile back and realized the things I eat aren't so weird after all. Mostly because I'm not ballsy enough to eat some of the animal products and organ meat.

  • mrbloo

    bigdreaux sounds nice! lol it was a program on new Orleans looks nice there maybe one day ill get enough courage to come there!! nice music as well as nice food,can you curry crayfish?

  • mrbloo

    sniffs.....little tear runs down my cheek...i used to breed snails,got very attached to them im sure thats them in the photo lol never tried them..cant! same with rabbit used to keep them to!!id like to try dog tho!

  • Clam

    Jellied Eels.

  • bigdreaux

    curry crawfish? what's the mean?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    While I was in Spain, I had this dish I forget what its called but they take the baby from inside a pregnant boar and cook it, it was really good very tender meat.

  • nvrgnbk
    Jellied Eels.

    I like smoked eel myself Clam! With a Sapporo!

    And as for curried crayfish, mrbloo, can't want one curry whatever one wishes to curry?

  • bigdreaux

    i am only familiar to curry as it relates to the mushy indian food. is that what you all are speaking of?

  • JWdaughter

    So I guess my mashed potatoes with cream corn is just not that weird-compared to Rocky Mountain oysters or crawfish. I love the line about Cajuns eating anything that doesn't eat them first! :) I don't even like shredded chicken-since I don't know what part I am eating...which is nuts since I eat processed/packaged food all the time.

    My mom used to eat brains (pig or cow-I forget) scrambled with eggs when she was a kid. When my kids are being obnoxious or acting clueless I tell them I am going to scramble their brains for breakfast or ask them if someone scrambled them. . .ew.

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