Called Dad. Got his wife.....

by esw1966 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • esw1966

    Well, I called my father this Saturday.

    I havn't talked to him for a year and a half. When I talked to him at that time I said my goodbyes and told him we would probably never see or talk to each other again because of his stand.

    He got choked up a bit over that comment and said, "don't say THAT." I said, well unless you decide to change matters that will be how it will be.

    So, I was able to tell him I love him and he told me he loved me too. awwww.

    So, I called him Saturday. I got his wife who is my step mom.

    I said is Albert home? She sat and you could practically HEAR her thinking. Then after a brief silence, she got all mad and out came a determined NOooooo. Then CLICK.

    Well, maybe NEXT time.

  • candidlynuts

    ugh that bites.

    it sucks when other people get in the way

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Unbelievable!! I wouldn't give up on your dad though!!


    Lady Liberty

  • bigdreaux

    dude, i wouldn't let her get between you and your old man. sorry to hear that happened. that sucks.

  • lonelysheep

    What a nasty bitch!

  • BlackPearl
    Lonelysheep: What a nasty bitch!

    Uhh....that's BIOTCH if I've got that correct.


  • HappyDad

    Keep on calling until you talk to your Dad. Tell the BITCH what she can do to her most private orifice.

    I had to go to the cemetery to talk to my Dad.

    Damn...I wish he was still here so I could apologize and do all the things and spend time with him that I didn't because I was a JW and he hated the religion. So for many years I just put him down and ignored him.

    After all.............I had the truth. Yeah ........right! I pray for my Dad's forgiveness for being an asshole JW and not recognizing what he was in my life.

    I only wish that he was still alive when I saw the real light. Just to be able to tell him I'm sorry for all the years of not being with him because I was involved in a false organization........he would have understood.

    If there really is a heaven.........I want to say............Dad I love you.........and can't wait to talk to you again. Help me get through the bullshit of this life.


  • delilah

    Yeah, Es.....blood is thicker than water....don't give up on your dad....keep others have said, don't let the wicked step-mom interfere with your relationship with him. Chin up mate.


  • free2think

    That sucks, who does she think she is to come between you and your dad.

  • bebu

    I wouldn't call right away. THEY are the ones who are rejecting a relationship. (More specifically, SHE rejected it... don't know if your dad would have talked...)

    But you've made a point to them, just by calling. They know you care.


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