Mr. Flipper here. Has anybody had results talking with believing or non believing relatives or friends about the molestation coverup? I talked with my mom who has been a witness for 55 years and she was quite concerned about the wrongness of what's going on and wanted me to send her the ap news story on it, which I did. Dad is an elder so I have'nt heard from them yet. We'll see. But remember ya'll the more we get this information out to our relatives still in the org. it will get them the facts of what is going on. If we wait too long to tell them, believe me the watchtower society and the governing body will print an article in 5-6 months telling the rank and file members how to view child molestation, how to protect your children, all the while telling members patting themselves on the back that they took care of the molesters and cleaned them out of the organization for the members protection. Remember they are geniouses at damage control, even though being idiotic in their beliefs. So please share your experiences, what you've heard ,or otherwise and let's inform these decieved people before their own leaders tell them what to believe in regards to this issue. Peace to you all, Mr. Flipper
Anybody had Results talking with Relatives about Child Molestation Coverup?
by flipper 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
True that flipper, my cousin already knew about it and he was scared crapless that I was going to bring it up so he did instead. In side the org...they must already know
I'm sure my father would see me as being critical of the org if I bring up that issue. A response from a totally brainwashed person like him would be, "They will be judged by Jehovah after Armageddon." followed by a discussion about repentance.
can someone link me that AP article please?
Roflcopter- Mr. Flipper here. Here is a website for the Ap article from our area .Hope this helps you. Spread the word if you are able. Knowledge of this and spreading of it is taking back the power away from the molesters. Warning those in that organization and outside the organization is helpful. Thanks, Peace Mr. Flipper
Dawg- Thanks. I agree with you. I think word is starting to spread about this in the witness organization. But to keep it spreading, we on the outside have to keep fanning the flame to keep it going. DJK- My daughter who is a regular pioneer, 20 years old, had this reaction when I told her of the molestation settlements," Well Dad, it shows Jehovah is cleaning up the organization bringing it out. I'm sure the people doing it are being disciplined." Quick give me pins to stick in my head!! It's so hard talking to these people. They put a spin on everything
My mother's response when I told her about the 27,000 files on pedofiles was it was all a test to see who would stay faithful!
The last time I was there I left a print out of the AP article on their dining room table along with two articles about WTS selling properties in Brooklyn. She never said anything about finding them.
Earlier today I emailed the info on the Channel C website that Jim Whitney wrote to one active JW. I had sent her the AP article a few weeks ago and her response was just, Thanks that's interesting. She forwards lots of emails to everyone on her list so I was hoping she would "accidentally" forward these to all her JW friends.
I also sent a bcc of the Channel C email to others that are either out or on the fence. -
MeneMene- Way to go!! Even though your mom said,"It's a test to see who's faithful", at least she was informed and sees that you are concerned about what goes on. It might plant some seeds of doubt there, who knows? Peace, Mr. Flipper
I asked my parents. I was told never to bring it up again. They wanted to know where I got my info from. I said on-line. They said "oh so you're going to apostate websites now." I said no, that I was only researching the molestation issue/(Candice) that's been in the news and I said there are thousands of cases in their religion that have been covered up. They said "We don't have all the facts about individual cases and if abuse can't be proven there are limits in what can be done. Some people also make false accusations. This is Jehovah's org and he will deal with anyone if they do commit these crimes." They also said I was being negative and fault-finding.