How Far Out of Mind Control Do You Want to Go?

by frankiespeakin 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    Many of us have come a long way out of the WT imposed "mind control" some much further than others, some still beleive in the JudaoChristian God and the Bible, while other have gone much futher.

    But how far have you gotten out of Government mind control? Most of us have been indoctrinated from birth by our parents and then when we went to governement subsidized schools and were further indoctrinated there. How far out of this form of mind control have you been able to get out of?

    And how far out of cultural indoctrination have we been able to come?

    How far do you want to go?

  • still_in74

    I just want to stop feeling horribly guilty everyday of my life for being so disgustingly imperfect. I am not really sure what I have done wrong but I must be really bad cause I feel really guilty all the time.

    I just want to go far enough to actually not feel like that. Did I answer your question? No, I guess not. Great! Now I feel guilty for rambling!

  • frankiespeakin


    I think you did answer it, very honestly to the best of your ability. I think soon you will throw away this guilt thing.

  • JeffT

    Far enough that I don't pay much attention to people that tell me I'm suffering from mind control just because I don't reach the same conclusions and belief systems or political affliations that they did.

  • frankiespeakin


    It takes a while from when you first realize that sin, is just imaginary constructs, for guilt to subside and eventually disapear completely. Try imagining a Loving God that is not petty like the Biblical and Mythological Jehovah, one with a sense of humor and a smile on his face, a nonjudgemental God. Thoughts like these can be a step for relief.

  • eclipse


    Think of your guilt like a great big anvil.

    It doesn't really serve a purpose unless you're a blacksmith.

    It's extremely heavy, and does nothing but slow you down...but you still insist on carrying it...all you have to do, is put it down.

    I know it sounds too simple. But I mean it, you have the choice and the power to let it go. Just refuse to let the guilt have power over you.

    You are the one in control.

    You are the one making decisions for your own life and for your family. Take back your power, take back control, let go of the guilt,

    it does not serve any useful purpose. Guilt is a tool of oppresive religions. It's a tool of an abusive parent/god.

    You have a conscience, you use it. Guilt is not necessary to lead a good life and be a good person.

  • WTWizard

    If I can make my own rules and principles based on rational thinking and not on what the Bible or someone's interpretation of it, then I feel that would be good enough. It is true that the wasted time cannot be gained back, nor can all the emotional damage caused by being in the Tower. (Of course, it is possible to warn others about the danger, especially those who are thinking of going in).

  • still_in74
    Try imagining a Loving God that is not petty like the Biblical and Mythological Jehovah, one with a sense of humor and a smile on his face, a nonjudgemental God

    thanks frankie, but its amazing how I have never felt like Jeh. was petty, it wasnt Him I felt guilty to. It has always been to the org. How is it we tell ourselves that Jeh. remembers we are mere dust, and that he is a loving god but still feel guilt? I feel it because I am always told to do more, study more, preach more, pray more, attend meetings more, be an example for my wife more, dont stumble others in the cong, set an example, on and on and on. I can never live up to this, No one can ever measure up to this. I feel more guilt because I cant muster up the courage to come clean to my wife about my feelings, more guilt thinking about how my family will view me. Dam my stomach is wrenching right now.

    Guilt is a tool of oppresive religions. It's a tool of an abusive parent

    this is so true, yet JW's will never admit to being oppressed, NEVER. I still cant verbally do it myself! And as for a parent, my mother was the "Queen" of guilt-trips. Between her and the org no wonder I am depressed all the time, although I cram it down pretty good my wife senses it. Now she even used the "D" word today (depressed) Great. Now I'm depressed for wanting to leave the org and she's depressed cause I wont do more in "the truth" and have a family. Oh! Theres my stomach all in knots again!

    Oh well, dont give up on me! Thanks for letting me ramble some more..............

  • jaguarbass

    Lets see, I am still under the government mind controll as I go to work 40 hours a week and I pay taxes. Sometimes I would like to leave the rat race and go live in the woods. But, that would give me a whole new set of problems to bitch about and I may not be good at dealing with those problems either.

    I explore possibilites as to where we, man, came from and where we are going, In that respect I am very out of cultural indoctrination. I examine, catogorize and weigh all the hypotheses and conspiracy theories that come across my awareness, I am aware of many, I dont think I strongly advocate any. At this point in life, I am an observer, like watching people at the mall.

    It doesnt seem to me that anyone gets the true answers to the profound questions of life until they assume room temperature.

    How far do you want to go?

    Well my brother tells me he does out of body exploring, and he has turned me on to some books on it.

    As he tells me it takes a lot of time and energy and effort. I have a pretty full plate at the moment. So I listen to his stories from the other side and psychic phenonema. But I do have a library of extreme literature and I have even read books of black magic and casting spells and becoming a warlock. And I have looked into and read about Satan and Satanism. Poor misunderstood guy. And he gets blamed for everything.

    It seems to me strong belief in anything kind of takes over your life, just like the dubs did. I am trying to enjoy the rest of the ride with out any major commitment to any other indoctrination.

    I go to work, go to the gym. Make music, write and record songs, play in a band, and am trying to market my music and that will hoepfully take me thru to the end of this ride.

  • frankiespeakin


    No one can ever measure up to this. I feel more guilt because I cant muster up the courage to come clean to my wife about my feelings, more guilt thinking about how my family will view me. Dam my stomach is wrenching right now.

    Just take your time, unprogramming takes time, and remember there is no right or wrong only human assumption of right or wrong. Love yourself reguardless of imagined faults, they are usually quite arbitrary judgements anyway when you really exaimine them.


    What you play? I play steel string guitar, bluegrass style.

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