If they were smart they would discontinue the paper trail. They would mandate that each congregation have its own computer, send them one and then install, unbeknownst to the congregation, software such as GoldenEye. Tell the congregation that they are not allowed to print the information, disable saving, printing, etc. and then conduct audits on the computers, remote with GoldenEye, every so often. Oh, and give each elder an ID and pw or only allow access by the PO, etc.
Yes but when you factor in the cost for something this for what---over 60,000 congregations? It'd cost them several million dollars. They're too damn cheap for one thing, plus, going to such extreme, paranoid lengths would raise the hackles of previously docile Witnesses. When the leaders of a religion that claims their goal is to spread their message to the ends of the earth, becomes this paranoid and secretive about guarding their message of hope, then more and more are going to wake up and smell the coffee.