I was trying to figure out, why on earth do witnesses feels so intimadated by questions ? I think some of them are truly afraid to ask. The Society has made them so APOSTATE FEARFUL.
It's as if they are afraid to find out that what they have believed in for many years could be wrong or is just being completely afraid of knowing what the truthful answers are.
The Organization has turned all the witnesses into robotic yesbots.
I know of some witnesses who are afraid of their own shadow. I suppose most of them don't mind being put under a microscope for everything and action they take in their live. It is as if there are spies everywhere.
Or is someone in the cong. going to find out that your looking for the answers to questions that before were okay to ask and now they can't ask these questions any longer. Again Fear of man.
What about the biblical text that reminds true Christians to seek out the truth like the ancient Boreans? U=Oh gee maybe that doesn't apply to the 21 century... sheesh..
It must really suck for many JWs who want to leave but are really fearful of even thinking such a thing.
My doctor once told me, (as most of the cong. were his doctor) that many of the witnesses in the area were very jealous and envious of me, because I had the guts to get up and leave the organization. They wanted to know how I did it. Most told him it was fear of disfellowshipping and losing family that made them feel like they had to stay even though they were truly miserable being a witness.
I guess living the way you want to is forbidden and no one is going to forbid me to do what I want to do as I answer alone to God not the WTBTS. It's too bad that the witnesses can't figure that out for themselves.
Remember Jesus said come unto me all who are laden down and I will refresh you as my yoke is kindly and light. Ask the average JWs that question and they would just rather shrivel up rather then wanting their freedom from the oppression of the WTBTS.