Naturalism-The Next Step For Secular Humanists?

by nvrgnbk 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • nvrgnbk

    I've noticed a healthy number of secular humanists on JWD.

    I thought I'd share this info.

    Before the likes of people like poppers, james thomas, and tetra(people I have tremendous respect and admiration for that have taught me alot about existence) jump me for getting into "labels", I just want to mention that I'm not espousing this as "it". I just find it somewhat illuminating. I carry no cards in my wallet. In fact, I discarded my wallet some time ago.

    I hope some may find this enjoyable and helpful.


  • eclipse

    Nvrgnbk, just curious,

    wallet is a euphemism for ......?

  • nvrgnbk

    You ask the greatest questions eclipse.

    Keep that up.

    You're contributing much to JWD!

  • eclipse

    I guess I'm just not smart enough to figure it out

    Is that what you meant to say?

  • nvrgnbk

    I guess I'm just not smart enough to figure it out

    Is that what you meant to say?

    Wow! When will you see that it's not like that at all eclipse?

    Self-deprecation can be endearing, but don't let it get the best of you.

  • ninja

    hey nvr...hows the family?

  • nvrgnbk

    To the ninja:

    wonderful mate!

    and your brood?

    Here goes eclipse. Let me see if I can explain myself successfully.

    The term "card-carrying member" implies that one is an "official" proponent of a group, organization, etc.

    Hence, my comment about not carrying any cards in my wallet means that I no longer identifiy myself rigidly with any group or philosophy. Like so many others on here, I'm just trying to learn, make sense of it all, find and increase my peace, and that of others. The comment about having discarded my wallet means that I hope to never again fall into the trap of imprisonment within an idea or a word.

    And when that fails, I wanna have a good time.

  • ninja

    yeah...good mate ...just about to head off to school to watch their sports day.....I don't think the teachers like JW's at my kids boy is competing in a "catch the javelin" competition...and my oldest daughter is in a "head the shot putt" tournament

  • IP_SEC
    Before the likes of people like poppers, james thomas, and tetra(people I had tremendous respect and admiration for that have taught me alot about existence) jump me for getting into "labels",



  • nvrgnbk
    nvrgnbk boy is competing in a "catch the javelin" competition...

    You are brilliant my friend! LMGDAO!

    Enjoy ninja!

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