I wasn't going to post today until I read about this diabolic act . Maybe there is a justice higher than human justice.If there is I hope the Watchtower Leaders get what's coming to them.If there is any member of the governing body who has any doubts about this stupid blood doctrine then let them stand up NOW and be counted and do something to stop this evil practice.
Was she asked to drink/eat blood ,? no! Just a transfer of blood in order to save her precious life.Talk about the encouragement of suicide bombers the W/T leaders are tarred with the same brush because they have promised her a life in paradise for following their instructions .Jesus would say to them that this is not an example of christian love and that they should VALUE human life not throw it away because of some obscure out of date law that has hardly any relevance in this day and age.
To the Governing Members ; Wake up you blind men and act like true christians if that is what you claim to be ,do you realise what a mad example of your religion you are showing to the rest of the world, a world which you claim to be so evil.Check out your own way of doing things before you condemn other followers of the Christ.You sanctimonious double-dealing hypocrites ,white washed walking dead men,full of empty sayings and promises ,never lifting a finger to really help suffering humanity .You have actually taken this womans life by leading her astray by putting twisted thoughts into her mind .Do you have no feeling of responsibility what so ever for your evil ways?