No imaginary friends for me. Thanks.
But if things ever start levitating or windows slamming, I'm all ready to spin around 3 times, click my heels together and start yelling "JEHOBER" really loud.
That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
Open Mind
by What-A-Coincidence 20 Replies latest jw friends
No imaginary friends for me. Thanks.
But if things ever start levitating or windows slamming, I'm all ready to spin around 3 times, click my heels together and start yelling "JEHOBER" really loud.
That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
Open Mind
But if things ever start levitating or windows slamming, I'm all ready to spin around 3 times, click my heels together and start yelling "JEHOBER" really loud.
LMAO..... if you click yer heels together, you may end up in Dorothy's house....
I believe there is a spirit world that stays connected to the living world . I think the energy of life is too powerful to disappear and our energies live on somehow at least for a while after we pass away. Sometimes these spirits try to connect to loved ones still living...but I don't believe any of them would hurt us.. they haven't yet anyways..
I do
"jewish bible god" for me equates to myth.
And if "occult" equates to hidden, i feel that hidden quality can be attributed to an emotitional/spiritual and sometimes physical effect on any who may have knowledge of such powers directed to them. But, the hidden quality is to what extent? or exactly how?
My fascination is with the effect the current cosmos has at any time. My experience with IChing has been phenomenal(sp). Why? I have no answers. Other than the energy emitted via my personal energy/electrical forces cause the coins to fall as they do.
Problem is the written record of IChing does not know the times I live in, and neither does it know me... so how can it be so right on?
I believe it is a possiblitie, but I dont dabble in it. A few years ago I read a book on magic and spells. And if you follow the rules it can become all encompassing and take over your life. And if you dont follow the rules they say it can backfire on you and cause you trouble. So to find the answer I think you have to be dedicated.
No more dedications for me in this lifetime.
I believe it is a possiblitie, but I dont dabble in it
I believe its is possible, and dabble with it whether i want to or not........they like me!
But I am on a ouija board kick for some stupid reason. I want to see it move, and spell something that makes sense! Afterwords, someone has to hold my hand as I walk up the dark steps to go to bed! (of the still chicken shit its demonz)
I certainly do but I do not believe you should mess with them. Have a healthy respect and stay away.
Ah, the usual suspects...
Those that believe in the occult are those with little idea what 'evidence' or 'proof' really is.
They also probably have a charmingly inaccurate idea about the reliability of perception, and thus think themselves or others experiencing it as proof it exists even if that is the ONLY proof they have.
They never seem to question why something that has supposedly been around so long and been experienced by so many people has as much proof to support it as there is of me having a twelve foot long todger, so criical thinkming skills seesm to be defcient too.
Of course, as they believe in something illogical that has no evidence to support it, logic and pointing out the lack of evidence has no effect on their beliefs as neither logic or evidence helped them form their beliefs.
They also really really hate people not belieiving in it, and get especially insulted if people analyse their beliefs in the occult from a dispassionate and methodical viewpoint.
But the funniest thing is, some laugh at JW's for the cultic paranormal urban myths JW's believe in... yet when you get down to it they also believe in ghosties ghoulies and demonz, yet are incapable of differentiaing why thei beliefs are no silly and those of Dubbies are.
This questions covers a large area:
Do I believe in Satan and the demons?
Do I believe they are the "force" behind occult practices?
Can they have an influence in indiviual lives?
Is this interaction between spirit/flesh, mainly, by "invitation?"
Is there "something" to the personality traits attached to the Zodiac?
Do I engage in a pursuit of those practices and teachings involved in what we call "the occult?"