FLUFF: Richie's Beach Trip Photos

by RichieRich 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich

    I went to the beach last weekend, and it was a rather enjoyable time. Naturally I took tons of pictures, and went with friends who have the same inclination.

    So, for your viewing pleasure and enjoyment, here's Richie's beach trip.

    Driving down took about 4 hours, and after about 2, we had listened to every song we've ever liked, and played every road game we could remember.

    After arriving, we got straight to the business of enjoying ourselves, and cameras stayed packed for the duration of the evening

    The next morning we woke up after about 3 hours of sleep and took a walk that felt like it was excessively long. When we got back, we jumped in the car, and drove it- and turned out we walked about 12 miles round trip. Yay for half marathons. Anywho, here's the beach

    That evening, we went to a local mall, and walked around a sporting goods store for a good little while.

    then we walked around Barefoot Landing, an over priced outdoor shopping experience that is located right on the inter coastal waterway.

    And as if we weren't getting enough wierd looks from other people walking around, we had to take pictures like this

    Best store in that shopping center...

    Then we went to an all you can eat seafood restraunt that charges 24.95 USD a head. I got my money's worth. But here we are standing outside waiting for 30 minutes for our name to get called.

    then the next morning, we decided to watch the sunrise, and we were quite tired.

    and of course, what wakes up, must go back down.

    And this is singlehandedly the best license plate I have ever come across. I'm seriously looking for real estate in Pennsylvania.

    Then I somehow got talked into getting buried in the sand.

    For thing had to move a lot of sand.

    As always, I was looking classy.

    so, as we walk around the beach and find comical places to take pictures, there was a group of tourists who seriously were following us and replicating every pose.

    Still classy.

    Then for some reason the cameras got put away again, but this is, i believe, one of the last pictures taken before we left.

    Hope everybody enjoyed my journey!

  • smellsgood

    Awww, that's awesome, and we get to enjoy more of you Richie! and your body art too. That beach is rad, and I was all excited about going up to my dinky cabin this weekend, and you've spoiled it! You guys look all cute and friendly together, and you can tell that girl that smellsgood (not excluding yourself and the other dude of course) said she's a total hottie!

  • undercover

    Good ole Myrtle Beach...otherwise known as the Redneck Riviera

  • free2think

    Looks like you had a good time, where was my invite? Thanks for sharing the pics.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    Looked like fun!

    Hey if you ever manage to get some land here in PA, make sure to let me know.


  • RichieRich

    lol Undercover, that's what I've always called it as well.

    I had a guest spot at a piercing shop down there, and so most of my daylight was spent there. I only got a day and a half on the beach.

    Lore- do you have a car? How hard would it be for you to get an otter license plate? Those things are sweet.

  • Warlock




  • LtCmd.Lore

    Note the crawfish under the otters paw. I've never seen an otter, but I've been crawfish hunting before... they're great, they taste like tiny lobsters.


  • hopelesslystained

    Richie, you are just precious! No one knows me here and I don't post much, but...you are just, precious. I couldn't resist responding to your pics! Do continue to enjoy life, ummm, if only for my selfish reasons to live vicariously ;) (on firefox here)

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Great Pix Richie!!

    I just love your friend's mega-sunglasses driving in that first picture. He's just begging to have them slapped off. (In a friendly way, of course.)

    Open Mind

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