A BIG Thank You to You All!!

by R.F. 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.F.

    Hello all:

    I know i've been posting here on JWD for only a month and a half or so, but I would like to give everyone here a BIG THANK YOU!!

    I know i've come here and it seems like mostly venting from me, but it means alot for you all to listen and give much advise. It's kinda like big sister or big brother....you've been there and done that(still doing it for many of you) and your giving little brother valuable advise.

    There has been so much to go on in my life in the last month or so that i've never been through, but i'd first say that i've gotten this unbelieveable strength from God, along with your helping hands along the way. Truthsearcher, reminded me of it this way, telling me that i've experienced the tragic death of a close family member, the death of a close relationship(engagement), and the death of my belief system that has been with me all my life....all of this within weeks of each other. These things have had me down a bit and that's why i've vented alot, and that's why I thank you all again for the support.

    I've learned alot in the past weeks, especially about myself. I've learned to not be so anxious about things, to rely on God more fully to guide me. That's the outlook i've had now on things that happen..I try to look at the positives, is there a reason things happened a certain way? What can I learn from this. Alot of that comes from your experiences and how things have changed for the better for you.

    Also, if I hadn't come to this board, I never would've found purplesofa. If you don't know, we discovered we are part of the same congregation, so it's great to have someone to relate to that is very close.

    You guys are great and I wish you all the best, and I hope I can be of some help to you all.



  • DJK

    Very nice post R.F.

  • free2think

    Hey R.F I know how you feel, this board is such a great source of unconditional support and encouragement, something I know, for the most part at least, was sorely missing in my life.

    I really enjoy reading your threads and posts.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Nice post RF. This place is great.

    BTW, how did you happen to find out about purplesofa?

    Open MInd

  • R.F.

    Thank you all!

    I found out about purps by back and forth PMing.

    She said someone told her we were in the same state, then we found out the same part of the state. So I looked at some of her past posts, and I noticed.....

    1. A particular congregational problem that sounded way too familiar

    2. Said something about one of her children I knew about.

    3. Posted a picture and it showed a part of her house that was familiar

    4. Posted a pic of one of her children(the clincher of course lol)

    And I knew it all couldn't have been concidence, and then I knew she was inactive for a couple of years so I just put it all together.

  • ex-nj-jw

    ((((((((((((RF))))))))))) Such a nice post, we are glad to have you here and I'm sure you will be able to be someone else's strength in the future!


    I'm not sure how my font got changed to red and I can't fix it!!!

  • jgnat

    I am very happy for you. Isn't it amazing how close we really are to each other? Six degrees of separation and all that. I found a local witness the same way. A short series of "twenty questions" and we knew who the other was. She before me.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    yes, you have been a prolific poster (I've been here a few months longer and likely will not catch up with you ) .I have enjoyed your posts and hope this is just the beginning of your journey here on JWD. And thanks for your PMs. I have not forgotten about your PM requests for some of my stories off line. One day, those stories will be out here too. I dont remember you saying where you were from (PM if you wish). I'd love to catch up with you in RL and swap war stories from the Borg...maybe at one of the upcoming Apostafests.....

    A lot has changed for you and more changes are ahead. Glad you have purps there in the area. There is another thread going on here today asking about favorite posters, but your thread title here says what I really need to say. thanks to you all. For good or bad, I will likely be here for a long time to come putting in my 2 cents worth...(assuming the Big A doesn't come or Simon falls behind on his server payments or some such disaster....... )

    journey on RF, journey on...

    SnakesInTheTower (of the "wanting out soon" Sheep Class)

  • Vernon Williams
    Vernon Williams


    The Cool Part: this is just the START of a new section of This Journey!

    Best wishes....keep posting......


  • neverendingjourney

    R.F, I've always enjoyed your posts. You and I seem to come from similar backgrounds, so I look forward to your updates. Best of luck.

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