I like this years (2007) calendar.
LIKE: The scenes are all nature scenes. I have one hanging in my living room (I noticed that all the photos are all worldy web source... age Fotostock, although of the 400+ photos I could not find the polar bear and cub one specifically, cause I'd like to get it ...without the scripture superimposed)
HATE: the scriptures superimposed...two months instead of 1, small boxes to write on. No holidays even mentioned (how about at least an asterisk * to at least acknowledge that we are bothering people on a holiday.,..KM ministry makes a huge deal of ministry on holiday, how are we to know if it is not on the BorgCalendar?)
..side note, I wonder why I kept every single calendar going back 20 years? They can be reused ever few years when the dates all align, but why? I finally threw them all in to the recycle bin along with all the daily texts.... hmmm..what else can I toss?
SnakesInTheTower (of the "never in ministry on holidays, or any time now" Sheep Class)