Has your idea of how you want to be disposed of changed?

by sinis 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Always has been cremation and tossed to the winds in a unpopulated place or in a nice jar on the mantel and before the funeral. No open casket for me. Small private service in my favorite place, no jws including jw family (except faders). Opportunity of 3 minutes to express what one thing they felt was outstanding about me or life in general. (I don't anticipate many attenders.) My favorite music playing in the background, closed with my favorite song (no 'kingdom' songs) Then a nice buffet afterwards.

  • Junction-Guy

    Nice buffet?? count me in !!! j/k

  • anewme

    I like Tetra's plan to lay down in the forest, I really do. But will he have the strength to do it when he is old and sick? Will his friends at the time be willing to help him, drag him out there and leave him for the wolves and buzzards and magpies? Like I say its a good idea, just maybe not realistic.

    I dont want to rot and go all green goo in some mahogany casket getting soaked every couple of hours by an automated sprinkler system. I have no children and no family who cares for me outside of husband and MIL.
    MIL will probably go first. That leaves handsome to carry out my wishes for cremation.

    My wish is for my molecules to return to the good earth (or "oyth" as one Watchtower speaker pronounced it)
    I want to become worm food and bird food and tree food. I want little beetles to carry off wee bits of me to their little beetle babies. I want a small squirrel to gnaw on my bone fragments to file his little squirrel teeth. I want a family dog to find some part of me and keep it hidden in the ground as his private treasure! I want the rains to come in the winter and wash my ashes down the river banks into the stream and send them far far away and pool and puddle and fish gulp the little that remains. I want to return to the earth, the good earth, mother earth, whose been so good to me and I love her so. Then I will be at peace with everyone else who has ever lived on planet earth. And the uncertain future and the angst and the effort and the sweat and the tears and the sex and the kisses and will belong to those living on top of it.

  • BluesBrother

    I see no point in a lasting monument to somebody who has otherwise been forgotten. We all live and die and the cycle goes on, headstone or not, the dead are soon forgotten .

    I have filled the forms to offer my body for medical research. They can do what they like with it if they opt to take it.

  • brinjen

    I still wish to be cremated, that hasn't changed at all.

    For my service, I'm going to have my own eulogy written. Like how I enjoyed needle work, attended church every sunday all my life etc. Leave everyone in attendance wondering if they ever really knew me at all. Then, as my coffin is being loaded into the furnace, I'll have a recording of my voice (knocking loudly) let me out! I'm not dead! Aaaarrrgh! It burns!

  • changeling

    I'm actually a little obscessed with this issue... I have never liked the idea of cremation. I do want my funeral to be "pretty". I want an inexpensive but classy coffin. I want flowers and music (music that means something to me, I shall make a list) and I want a graveside service under a canopy, where anyone who feels the need can say a few words about how they feel(not too long). Nothing religious. I want to be buried in a picturesque cemetary (I love cemetaries), preferably a very old one. I want a gravestone that says something I stand for (still thinking about that). And then I want my family to gather for dinner and tell funny stories about me.

  • eclipse

    I will be going into deep space. It costs around $12000 and I have seen caskets that cost more.


    That is the COOLEST idea.

  • Flowerpetal

    I would love a Viking send-off: a little boat with a sail--me as the corpse, and set afire as the boat sails off into the water. For the funeral though, I'd love a New Orleans Jazz funeral--always did.

  • DJK

    Closed casket, no headstone. Only white flowers and my personal eulogy will be read.

  • lonelysheep

    It certainly DOES matter!

    Personally, I've always wanted to be cremated after death. Everyone I know wants to be buried.

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