Warning: This topic is not about the manure coming out of the Watchtower.
I have a healthy garden, well-tended. It enriches my spirit mostly and the table as well.
If YOU raise vegetable or flower gardens and know a farmer who would give you free manure
to enrich the soil, which of the following choices are best?
a) Chicken
b) Cow
c) Horse
d) Pig
(in alphabetical order.)
And why? I mean nutrient-wise, stench and general yuck factors aside.
Manure Question
by betterdaze 26 Replies latest jw friends
I'm no expert but I vote chicken.
Just looked it up on google and some believe Bat Guano is the absolute best.
My daughter says that chicken shit is the best (See married one, but that is another story.) , see has a much greener thumb that either of her parents.
Philip - Brown is only good if you are UPS.
Open mind
Chicken is the strongest. (Almost as strong as the Craptower )
I've heard it can actually "burn" some plants.
I shite you not.
Pig is next.
Cow & Horse are about the same and are the "weakest" but still good.
BTW, this is according to what my country boy Grandpa taught me.
Open Mind
chicken crap or hog crap would probably have the most phosphate content. you should take a soil sample to your local fertilizer dealer and have them send it to a lab for an analysis. costs just a few bucks. if your soil is low in ph. you will need lime. the more fertilizer, or manure, applied to the soil the more ph. lowers.
Human feces is best. I compost mine all the time w/my banana peels and coffee grounds. It's a little tricky to poop in the compost bin in the yard w/o the neighbors seeing though.
If this post does not make Warlock's weekly list I am going to be really mad!
j/k -
Primary Nutrients (pounds per ton) Type of Manure Water Content Nitrogen Phosphate Potash Cow, horse 60%-80% 12-14 5-9 9-12 Sheep, pig, goat 65%-75% 10-21 7 13-19 Chicken: Wet, sticky, and caked 75% 30 20 10 Moist, crumbly to sticky 50% 40 40 20 Crumbly 30% 60 55 30 Dry 15% 90 70 40 Ashed none 135 100 Type of Garden Best Type of Manure Best Time to Apply Flower cow, horse early spring Vegetable chicken, cow, horse fall, spring Potato or root crop chicken, cow, horse fall, spring Acid-loving plants
(blueberries, azaleas, mountain laurel, rhododendrons)cow, horse early fall or not at all -
"Moist, crumbly to sticky"
OMG I can barely see the keyboard through the tears streaming down my face right now. So many possibilities.
Dear Watchtower,
Sheep and goats have an equal quality of manure, so you're all wrong about that theory. -
get the wonderful little book "Chicken Tractor." If you have a garden you probably have room for a half dozen hens, they'll do all your fertilizing and composting for you and they are WONDERFUL pets. Just don't get any roosters; they are mean.
Open mind
Oh man!!
I am so humiliated. After Mary's post, I guess I don't even know sh*t!
Open Mind